A dazzling, all-pink moon will brighten Vancouver's skies next month


pink moon
Pink moon with the silhouette of a tree in the night sky / Shutterstock

Vancouver was the last big moon of the year in March, but astronomers will have the opportunity to spot a beautiful Pink Moon in April.

The full moon will take place on Friday, April 19th and will offer a dazzling moon show in the spring sky.

The almanac of the old farmer notes that the pink moon gets its name from "heralding the appearance of" rose-frothy "or wild phlox on the ground – one of the first spring flowers." full moon to mark the change of seasons. As such, many of these names were created during the first interaction between Native Americans and colonialists.

That being said, Space.com notes that the April full moon also bears other names, including the full moon of sprouting grass, the egg moon and the full moon of fish.

Astronomers can also watch the Lyrid meteor shower in the Lower Mainland Lower Mainland from April 16 to 25. It is known that rain has unusual floods that can produce up to 100 meteors per hour.

Astronomers should choose to get as far away as possible from city lights to avoid light pollution that obscures the clarity of celestial bodies. Although it works best in more remote locations, higher elevation locations also provide more ideal viewing conditions.


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