A dazzling meteorite flies over the DC area


Hundreds of people in the central Atlantic coast and in New England said they looked up Tuesday night and saw a meteor rushing through the heavens.

The meteor flew over the area at about 11 pm and the brilliant shine attracted a lot of attention.

Steve Chazin was driving from Dulles Airport, Virginia, on Highway 50, when his dashboard saw the sight: an illuminated orb flying through the heavens, surrounded by a glow and supported by a tail.

The American Meteor Society has received 325 reports of celestial events from Washington, DC, and 11 states, including Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.

This group called the rocket a fireball or an extra-bright meteor, which means it shone stronger than Venus. Witnesses have written to the report line of the American Meteor Society about their rare chance to see such a show. Many reports said the meteor seemed green.

"It was the most brilliant meteor I've ever seen," wrote a reporter.

"It was so beautiful that I'm happy to have seen it," writes Emily M. in her report.

Meteors are flocking into the atmosphere at a speed of about 110,000 mph, says Lauryn Ricketts, Meteorologist at Storm Team4. Only about a quarter have trains or tracks of ionized gas that form a visible tail.

The meteor intervenes while the annual rain of the Lyrids takes place from April 14 to 28. Even if the cloudy sky obscures the view throughout the weekend, the situation should disappear on April 22, when the rain will reach its maximum.

You can see 10 to 20 meteors per hour during the peak if you are in a dark place with limited light pollution. You would be lucky to see something as bright as Tuesday's meteor, especially since the moon will be almost full in a gibbous phase of eternity.

The Lyrids Rain is an annual event that occurs when the Earth passes through the tail of comet Thatcher. It is recorded and observed since 678 BC. – making it the oldest known meteor shower, says Ricketts.

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