A doctor warned women not to put garlic in their vagina


A doctor warned women not to put garlic in their vaginas.

A doctor warned women not to put garlic in their vagina

A doctor warned women not to put garlic in their vagina

Gynecologist Jennifer Gunter revealed that some women believed that garlic helped cure a yeast infection. However, she urged women not to try unconventional medical treatment because female genitals are just not the right environment for garlic.

The author of & # 39; The Vagina Bible & # 39; shared a series of tweets explaining why inserting garlic into your vagina is a bad idea.

She said: Why you should not put garlic in your vagina. A wire.

& # 39; & # 39; Garlic contains allicin. In THE LAB, it can have antifungal properties (that is to say anti-yeast). This is in a laboratory, not even in the mouse. Just a dish of cells. Your vagina is not a dish of cells.

& # 39; & # 39; Many vaginal garlic aficionados (I should not have to tweet that in 2019, but here we are) recommend inserting a clove. This means that they do not understand that allicin is released. The garlic should be cut or crushed. Sigh. (sic) & # 39; & # 39;


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