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A woman from Blairstown is recovering from being bitten twice by an enraged fox who also attacked her daughter, who threw an ax at the charging beast before hitting it with a shovel.

The woman had gone outside Saturday morning to feed her cats in a barn on her farm when she met a gray fox that had already killed a cat, said Scott Hendricks, animal control officer at Blairstown.

"Then the fox started coming towards her," said Hendricks. "She had a cat stunt that she was trying to deter, but the fox was insensitive and kept following her.He bit her leg twice as she was trying to get home."

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When her adult daughter went outside to find out what was going on, she confused the fox, who had moved under the porch, to one of the cats.

"The fox came out after her," said Hendricks. "She had an ax, that she threw on it and that she missed.The fox chased her, then returned."

At that moment, the woman had grabbed a shovel.

"As the fox was approaching, she hit her head with a stick with the shovel, disheveled her, somehow knocked her out," he said.

At that time, calls for help from the woman were heard by two men who were passing in a truck.

"They stopped, one of the guys came out, took the shovel and kept the fox until he died," Hendricks said. "He really choked on it."

Hope Barracks police and local paramedics also visited the scene, near Wasigan Lake, in one of the most rural areas of North Jersey.

The woman was taken to the Newton Medical Center for treatment.

She started treating four rabies shots after state authorities confirmed Tuesday that the animal was enraged.

The story continues under the video.


A few facts about rabies and what to do if you are bitten by an animal suspected of rabies.
Statesman Journal

"When I got there, the girl was very upset," Hendricks said. "I can understand it, I know a bit about wild life, and when a fox chases you, it can make you pretty nervous."

The incident occurred on Saturday, when state offices were closed, Hendricks refrigerated the animal until he could bring it to Trenton for review on Monday.

"If a person is bitten by a suspect animal, they have five days left before they start treatment," Hendricks said. "We were totally against this five-day stamp."

"Please be aware when you are outside," police Blairstown informed in his Facebook message of the incident.

William Westhoven: 973-917-9242; [email protected]

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