A host of the BBC licensed by a royal chimeric baby Tweet


04:01 PDT 09/05/2019


Alex Ritman

Danny Baker removed the tweet that showed a monkey dressed in a bowler hat.

Danny Baker, host of the BBC Live 5 radio station and well-known British media figure, was fired by the British public broadcaster for a tweet he sent following the first picture of Prince Harry's little boy and Meghan Markle.

The tweet deleted since shows an image of a couple holding in his hand a chimpanzee dressed in clothes and a bowler hat, accompanied by the caption: "Royal Baby leaves the hospital."

The presenter was accused of making fun of Markle's African-American heritage. A representative of the BBC said that it was a "serious misjudgment" and that Baker "would no longer submit weekly issues with us".

Following a negative reaction from social media, Baker had initially been excused for the tweet. "Sorry, my gag photo of the little guy in a chic outfit has attracted a few," he said. "That never came to my mind because, well, the mind is not sick." Soon, those who would be good enough to indicate its possible connotations went into contact, it's happened, and that's all. "

Baker later protested against the fact that he would have used the "same stupid photo for any other royal birth or child of Boris Johnson or even for one of mine." It's a picture (Although it's obviously not in this context.) Huge mistake, of course, grotesque. "


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