A JetBlue flight in quarantine at JFK airport after a measles alert


A JetBlue flight that landed at JFK airport was temporarily quarantined Sunday night after crew members mistook mosquito bites for the measles virus, sources told The Post.

The stings appeared on a young orthodox Jewish boy who was on board flight 410, which landed around 9 pm. of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, sources said.

The plane landed with "reports of an unconfirmed health problem," said the Port Authority on Monday.

"The passenger, who had already been vaccinated, was assessed by EMS and allowed, "said the Palestinian Authority.

The theft was immediately quarantined but finally gave the green light for a "normal landing," said the Palestinian Authority.

In a statement, JetBlue said the passengers were "asked to use medical services as a precaution so that a customer can be examined."

Among the passengers on the flight were dozens of Jewish Orthodox passengers who had traveled to the Dominican Republic as part of a Pesach program for Pesah, according to the Yeshiva website World.

The United States is experiencing the largest measles outbreak since 1994, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Monday. From January 1 to April 26, more than 700 cases of highly contagious disease were confirmed in 22 states.


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