A lunar eclipse will happen during the full moon: how to see it on Sunday night


STATEN ISLAND, NY – Skywatchers will get more than just a full moon on Sunday night. This will be the last lunar eclipse of 2020 – the moment when the moon passes through part of the Earth’s shadow.

All of North America, weather permitting, will be able to view the celestial alignment Sunday night until the wee hours of Monday morning, according to AccuWeather.com.

The lunar eclipse will occur during the full moon in November, called the “beaver moon,” because this is the time of year when beavers retire to their lodges for the winter, according to the Old Man’s Almanac. farmer.

The last astronomical event of the month will be a penumbra lunar eclipse, similar to the eclipse that took place in July in the skies over North America. During a penumbra lunar eclipse, the moon passes through the Earth’s outer shadow, called penumbra, and misses the darker inner shadow, known as shadow, the weather service said.

This is different from a total lunar eclipse when the entire moon passes through the darker shadow.


According to AccuWeather.com, a penumbra lunar eclipse can be disappointing if you expect a drastic change in the appearance of the moon, such as a total lunar eclipse. Instead of the entire moon going dark on Sunday night, only the upper part of the moon will appear darker than normal.

The slight change in the moon’s appearance can be difficult to spot, and people looking at it may not know that an eclipse is occurring. They may not even detect the change in the moon’s brightness, according to the weather service.

This eclipse should be a bit more noticeable than the one in July, as more of the moon will pass through Earth’s shadow. But this can only be noticeable in the middle of the eclipse event.


The entire eclipse will last approximately four and a half hours, starting around 2:32 a.m. Eastern Time on Monday and ending around 6:53 a.m. However, it is best viewed around the mid-eclipse, which occurs at 4:43 a.m. Eastern Time. Is, according to timeanddate.com.

If you aren’t awake so early, you can go out on Sunday evening or just before sunrise on Monday morning to see the full moon shine.

Will I have good eyesight?

According to AccuWeather.com, onlookers in much of the eastern United States won’t be able to get a good view of the lunar eclipse – as a large-scale storm will bring clouds and rain.

You can check out the timeanddate.com livestream of the lunar eclipse.


But don’t worry if you miss your chance to see the eclipse. You will have to wait another six months to see the moon go completely dark, as the total lunar eclipse will be visible.

The impressive total lunar eclipse will occur on the night of May 25 through the early hours of May 26, when the moon will pass through Earth’s inner shadow, the shadow.

It can also be called a “ blood moon eclipse, ” because the moon can turn rust orange or red as it passes through the shadow, according to AccuWeather.com.



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