A major side effect of taking fish oil, new study finds


What supplement bottles do you see when you open your medicine cabinet? Maybe you have fish oil for reducing the risk of heart disease, probiotics for maintaining gut health, and vitamin D for a strong immune system. According to new research, these fish oil pills can actually be a waste of money.

A new study by scientists at the University of Georgia suggests that taking fish oil every day may only be effective if you have the right genetic makeup. The study, which was published in the journal PLOS Genetics, included data from 70,000 people who were participating in a large-scale cohort study called UK Biobank, which collected genetic and health information from 500,000 participants.

In the sample, the researchers looked at four blood lipids – high-density lipoproteins (HDL, aka healthy cholesterol), low-density lipoproteins (LDL, aka unhealthy cholesterol), total cholesterol, and triglycerides – all of which are biomarkers for heart disease. . The most shocking finding is that supplementing with fish can increase the risk of heart disease in some individuals. (Related: The 7 Healthiest Foods To Eat Right Now).

“We have known for a few decades that a higher level of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood is associated with a lower risk of heart disease,” Kaixiong Ye, lead author of the study and assistant professor of genetics at Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, said in a statement.

“What we found is that Supplementing with fish oil is not good for everyone; it depends on your genotype, “Ye added.” If you have a specific genetic background, supplementing with fish oil will help lower your triglycerides. But if you don’t have the right genotype, taking a fish oil supplement actually increases your triglycerides. “

The data sample was divided into two groups: those who took fish oil supplements (which was around 11,000) and those who did not. The researchers then performed a genome-wide analysis for each group, which involved testing 8 million genetic variants. Sixty-four million tests later, the results showed a significant genetic variant of the GJB2 gene. Those who took fish oil and had the AG genotype experienced a decrease in their triglyceride levels, while individuals with the AA genotype who took the supplement had a slight increase in their levels.

Previous clinical trials have indicated that fish oil is not effective in preventing heart disease, which you believe may be related to the failure to take genotype into account. But this new study has identified a specific gene that can alter a person’s response to fish oil supplementation.

“Customizing and optimizing fish oil supplementation recommendations based on a person’s unique genetic makeup can improve our understanding of nutrition,” Ye said in the press release, “and lead to significant improvements in human health and well-being. “

In the meantime, why not stick to incorporating more heart-healthy fish like salmon and mackerel into your diet once or twice a week? Your heart could benefit from the omega-3 fatty acids which are high in these food sources. To learn more, be sure to read These two supplements may lower your risk of heart disease, according to a new study.


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