A man called "my African-American" leaving GOP, declares a party pursuing its "pro-white" program


Gregory Cheadle, the man that Trump called "my African-American" in 2016, said he was leaving the Republican Party because of his frustration with what he called "the best man in the world." pro-white agenda "of the party. The congressional candidate five times joined the Republican party in 2001, but said he would remain independent.

The real estate broker in Redding, California, told PBS Newshour that he thought "President Trump is a rich man who is bogged down in a white privilege at the extreme", but what about is even more concerned about the Republican party's desire to defend its actions.

Cheadle said the problem peaked when Republicans quickly defended Trump's tweets in July, asking four female US representatives to return home.

Trump Campaign 2016
Trump at a campaign rally in Sacramento, California on June 1, 2016. Later in the same week, at a rally in Redding, California, Trump referred to Gregory Cheadle as "my African-American ".
Josh Edelson / AFP / Getty

"They avoided the problems of people of color by saying," No, it's not racist, "" he said of Republican party members. "And I thought it was a classic case of whites who did not see racism because they wanted to put on blinders and do something else."

Cheadle announced that he would run for the House of Representatives in 2020 as an independent in California's first congressional district, which has a Republican representative since 2013. Critics from Cheadle and the Republican Party stressed that his track record as Trump's defender is questioning his credibility in the upcoming campaign. He acknowledged that he may have waited too long, but he hoped that the campaign promises would materialize to solve the problems of black voters.

At a campaign rally in 2016, Trump pointed out Cheadle in the crowd and said, "Oh, look at my African-American from here – look at him – are you the best?"

Some called the president's remarks racist, but Cheadle admitted that he was "delighted" by the recognition of black voters. "The vast majority of people have felt offended, which has scared me a bit," he told CNN at the time. "Wow, we are so polarized and sensitive in this country now, it's scary."

His opinion on the incident has since changed. "I am more critical today than I was then because today, I wonder how far he has said this for political reasons or to attract the attention of the world. be careful, "he told PBS Newshour.

Despite criticism from Tread and the Republican Party, Cheadle did not call the president "racist", but claimed to believe that he had a "white superiority complex", particularly in regarding judicial appointments, which are 91% white. to the associated press. He says that in 2020, he will support any candidate who will help African Americans, no matter what their party.


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