A man clicks on the beautiful photo of Saturn & # 39; touching & # 39; the moon with the help of a Samsung Galaxy S8 – Technology News, Firstpost


On March 29, Saturn is perfectly aligned with the moon of the Earth, giving the impression of touching each other.

The astrophotographer Grant Petersen took full advantage of this relatively common but easy-to-miss event and managed to capture this conjunction with the help of a Samsung Galaxy S8 mounted on a telescope. The photo was clicked from Johannesburg, South Africa.

A man clicks on a beautiful photo of Saturn touching the moon with the help of a Samsung Galaxy S8

Saturn & # 39; touching & # 39; the moon. Image: Grant Petersen / Twitter

Petersen shared this picture on Twitter, which quickly became viral.

He also shared some short stacked videos of the images taken.

Petersen revealed that the image is actually a combination of several photos and that she shows Saturn just before she slips behind the moon before dawn.

As Saturn headed for the moon, Petersen recorded it on video at 60 frames per second. Then, after the conjunction, he processed the images using a technique called stacking to merge multiple video images into one clearer and clearer image, Internal business the report reveals.

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