A mother in prayer with teenagers outside the abortion clinic recounts her confrontation with Dem: "I was worried about my daughters"


A mother of two teenage daughters, who was seen last month in a confrontation with a Democratic state lawmaker in front of an abortion clinic in Pennsylvania, told her side of the story Tuesday night on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" from Fox News.

"I was worried about my girls, you can see me talking in this video," Ashley Garecht told animator Tucker Carlson. "I was sincerely trying to enter into a dialogue with him to try to re-establish the situation, to calm her down a bit and to tell her on film that we are really here praying for these women and these babies . "

Garecht, along with his two teenage daughters and teenage friend, said they were praying in front of a clinic in southeastern Pennsylvania on April 18 when Pennsylvania representative Brian Sims, whose district is found in Philadelphia, began to confront them "aggressively" to protest the clinic.


According to Garecht, the Sims then left briefly, but came back with a camera and filmed Garecht and the girls. He then offered money to the viewers if anyone wanted to reveal the identity of the teenagers.

"So, here is the agreement," they say in the video. "I have $ 100 to whoever will identify these three people, and I will donate to Planned Parenthood."

Sims posted the video on his Facebook page, but then posted a statement on Tuesday saying "I can do better."

"I will fiercely protect the right of a woman to make the best choices for her health and her body, without hindrance.I also know that two wrongs do not make the right, especially on the front lines of a woman. a civil rights battle I can do I'll do better, and I'll do better, for Pennsylvania women, "Sims wrote in a message accompanying the video.

Garecht told Carlson that she had no intention of getting into an altercation.

"I never come to a clinic looking for a fight," she said. "It's always right with an intention of peaceful prayer." Yes, I was worried that he would say many times that he wanted the identity of my daughters. We had already finished our prayers. "

"We were leaving and so when I realized that it was not going to enter a productive dialogue, I thought we would continue our exit and we would leave," she said. she declared.


Just last week, Sims launched an eight-minute video, verbally harassing an elderly woman protesting in front of an abortion clinic at Planned Parenthood.

The state representative registered the woman in front of the same clinic in Philadelphia, in her district, telling her to pray at her home, calling him an "old white woman" and giving him lectures on his Christian beliefs on the Periscope application.

Fox News Caleb Parke contributed to this report.


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