A mysterious infection gave Papa Kearney a 7% chance of survival. He lost his leg but beat the odds | Health


KEARNEY, Neb. – When Jason Wasmund woke up weak and trembling on February 16, he assumed he had the flu, but in one day, his temperature dropped to 96 degrees then rose to 103.

"The second day he could not answer my questions," said his wife, Cassie. Worried, she took him to the emergency room at the Kearney Regional Medical Center.

He has been diagnosed with sepsis, a life-threatening illness that occurs when the body's response to infection causes damage to its own tissues and organs.

"He went from super-healthy to the USI Monday night," said Cassie.

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On Thursday, unable to breathe on his own, Wasmund was taken to the Nebraska Medical Center. The next day, the doctors amputated his leg to save his life. He had only a 7% chance of survival, but he broke all the obstacles.

Wasmund, 43, director of Tradehome Shoes at Hilltop Mall, returned home on March 22. He uses a wheelchair, a walker and crutches and lets his body heal while spending time with his children, Jaxon, 9, and Jaycee, 7.

Cassie and he are slowly grasping the sad reality of the past two months.

In the morning, Cassie learned that Jason's leg had to come off to save his life, she started screaming.

"I was screaming at the doctor," you can not take his leg, "but I did not know how bad it was, they had already taken care of it when they called me." , she said.

Cassie was in Omaha. Her mother, Pattie Paradise, came from Chillicothe, Missouri, when Wasmund became ill. She stayed to watch the children.

The first 24 to 48 hours after amputation were critical. The doctors again operated on to make sure that they had removed all the infection.

It took Wasmund eight days to wake up after amputation and another two days to regain consciousness.

"People coming out of this delusion can be a little confused. I did not stop thinking that we were going to Florida, but I did not understand why we had not taken off, "he said.

"I lower my eyes and see a leg. My brain still thought it was there, he said.

Wasmund did not realize that he was missing only a few days after regaining consciousness. While he was following a physical therapy, he fell back and was waiting to use his leg to prevent it, but the leg was gone. "I stopped for a second, I looked at the therapist and I knew I did not have it. I was scared. It was difficult, "he said.

Tears in her eyes, Cassie told him what had happened. "I told him that it was necessary to save his life so that he could see his children grow up," she said.

Two weeks later, he was transferred to the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital in Omaha. He learned to move around the house, use the toilet and maneuver with crutches and his wheelchair. They made her make a peanut butter sandwich, climb stairs and more. "After three days they left me free, but a physiotherapist was shocked when I got up and got to the door with a walker," he said.

Before getting sick, he enjoyed hiking and cycling. He coached Jaxon in basketball and football and is active with Jaxon's Cub Scout troop.

Since returning home, he has been working at CHI Health Good Samaritan's fitness center to strengthen his upper body. He lost 50 pounds.

The cause of the infection remains a mystery. The doctors said that bacteria could have lingered in his body after a scratch or an old injury.

"He's healing well. We just have to take our time, "said Cassie, a substitute paraprofessional of Kearney Public Schools. In four to six months, if the healing continues at its current rate, he expects to be equipped with a prosthesis.

"Normally, I do not sit down," he says. "I got up, ate, worked 12 hours a day, went to the gym or cycled with the family, but now I'm sitting.

He is anxious to move, but he understands the need to heal slowly and carefully.

"I'm happy not to be dead, but I have to retrain my brain to see that my leg is not there," he said. "I was angry, but I try to stay positive and think about what I have, not what has gone."


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