A NASA astronaut records space images on the horrifying scale of Hurricane Dorian – History


– While the east coast of the United States is preparing for Hurricane Dorian, NASA engineer and astronaut Christina Koch, who watches the storm from the International Space Station, tweeted terrifying and impressive photographs Hurricane seen from the space.

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"#HurricaneDorian as seen from @Space station earlier today. Hope everyone on their way stays safe, "Koch tweeted.

Koch tweeted four images capturing the appalling ladder of Dorian looming near the southeastern coast of Florida.

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NASA also captured a stunning video footage of Dorian on the International Space Station on Thursday as the storm floated over the Atlantic Ocean, just north of Puerto Rico, and was broadcast on YouTube.

Although the storm may seem unreal in space, it left only devastation for Bahamian residents where Dorian touched down on Sunday.

According to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), Dorian has attacked the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm with sustained winds of 185 mph.

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As Dorian slowly approached Florida, weakened by a Category 4 hurricane, the NHC said the storm was "almost motionless, with the last two aircraft markers showing virtually no movement."

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But the National Hurricane Center warned that the motion will resume on the night of Monday to Thursday and said those on its way should expect "a wave of force threatening life and winds of hurricane force ".


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