A NASA conspirator claims that a UFO hunter presents a "proof" of Apollo's 15 Moon alien photographs | Bizarre | New


Apollo 15 returned to Earth with 1,400 photos, which is a major scientific legacy for Moon's researchers. But now, it has been sensationalized that the amazing images show more than they are at the beginning. Scott waring, an Austrian expert on extraterrestrial life, went on his blog etdatabase.com to speculate on vintage NASA video.

Waring said, "Look at these tall, tall structures. They are incredible, right?

"You can see the right angles go down and cross the lunar surface.

"And it's next to a perfectly curved area. It's incredible for me. "

Waring is quickly turning to another segment of NASA's documentary Apollo 15, which, he says, still shows other foreign structures.

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He said, "These buildings are so obvious. They prove 100% the presence of structures on the Moon of the Earth.

The documentary goes on: "Asked why he did not sit down after a 24-hour session, an engineer replied," I can not because I'm so excited. "

Waring said, "Yeah, he's too excited – because he's found terrifying buildings on the moon!

"No wonder the engineer did not want to leave.

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The Apollo 15 mission landed between the Apennines front Hadley Rille.

This site has been described as one of the most geologically important sites on the Moon.

Waring added rhetorically, "I wonder why it's so important?

He then takes a screenshot of one of the mysterious maps of the Moon in order to examine it in more detail.

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Waring said, "What I notice about this is that there is more than one building. If you zoom in, I can see other structures.

He then uses a sophisticated photo editing software to manipulate the images of the Moon discovered by Placitto Dominique of Youtube.

He said, "You can see the structure a lot better now and one has little jagged edges. And another has a hanger type shape.

"These are huge structures and these are the geological features that NASA wanted to see.

"The raw images are 100% proof that NASA was aware of the existence of aliens since 1971.

The shock of NASA's statements of conspiracy quickly prompted many comments on YouTube.

Daniel Anderson wrote, "Wow interesting. I believe we had past civilizations that were advanced before we could do more than us.

However, TheSpagetMan is less impressed by Waring's claims about alien life: "OK, I think first of all that there are structures on the moon!

"HOWEVER, your opening image in which you say" This is amazing for me! "IS NOT a structure, in fact, it is simply a pile of other pictures located at the edge of the main image."


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