A species of extinct bird returns from the dead


Some Hollywood producers are calling for a reduction in Georgia after signing a new law on abortion.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (right) on Tuesday passed a bill banning most abortions after detecting a heartbeat. Thanks to its tax credits, the state has become a popular filming location for some of the world's greatest movies and TV series, Avengers: End of the game at The dead who walk. Famous personalities, from Don Cheadle to Ben Stiller, signed in March a letter written by Alyssa Milano, in which they declared that they would do "everything in our power to bring our industry to a safer state" if the bill became law.

Now, three production companies have announced a boycott of filming in Georgia. Thread creator David Simon said Blown Deadline Productions, which produces programs like HBO the Devil, will not run in Georgia "until we can rest assured that the health options and civil liberties of our female colleagues are not altered".

Christine Vachon, CEO of Killer Films, also m said his studio will not consider Georgia for any project "until this ridiculous law is overthrown". Killer Films in recent years has produced acclaimed films like First reformed, Carol, and Vox Lux.

Mark Duplass, whose company has produced programs like HBO Room 104 and movies like Netflix Paddleton, also tweeted his commitment not to film in Georgia, and more recently, producer Neal Dodson told CounterNarrative Films, which produced movies like From Netflix Triple border, it's attached on the boycott. Milano said BuzzFeed News only if Netflix Insatiable continues to film in Georgia, she will not return in the lead role.

The Motion Picture Association of America did not similarly call for a boycott, saying The Hollywood Reporter that film production in the state generates nearly 100,000 jobs and that, as similar legislation in other states faces legal difficulties, "the outcome in Georgia will also be determined by the judicial process" . Brendan Morrow


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