A student of Mizzou diagnosed with tuberculosis


COLUMBIA, Missouri – A student from the University of Missouri has recently been diagnosed with tuberculosis.

A university spokesman said on Monday that the school was working with the Columbia County and Boone County Public Health and Social Services Department to identify other students who might be tested for HIV. disease.

Dr. Susan Even, Director of the MU Student Health Center, said that the student in question had voluntarily left the campus and would continue to cooperate with local health officials and the community. university.

Due to federal privacy legislation, the university did not provide additional information about the student or his condition.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, TB is most commonly spread when an individual with active pulmonary TB coughs, talks or sings around other people. It is transmitted only by air and can not spread by touching surfaces, kissing, shaking someone's hand, sharing toothbrushes, sharing food or drinks.



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