A study reveals that there is too much coffee


Some mornings may seem like you do not have enough, but a new study suggests that too much coffee can be harmful.

Studies have shown that coffee consumption "can help prevent several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease and liver disease". There is little evidence that moderate coffee consumption – three to four cups a day – poses a health risk. The keywords here are "moderate amounts".

A new study from the University of South Australia suggests that at some point drinking coffee becomes a health risk.

"Coffee is the most commonly consumed stimulant in the world – it wakes us up, boosts our energy and helps us focus – but people always ask," How much caffeine is too much? "Said Professor Elina Hypponen, one of the researchers in the study, said in a press release.

University researchers analyzed medical records and self-reported coffee consumption of 347,077 people aged 37 to 73 in the British Biobank. The Biobank is a national and international health resource that offers unprecedented research opportunities and is open to all bona fide health researchers.

The study found that people who drink one to two cups of coffee containing caffeine a day are at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than people who drink decaffeinated coffee or no coffee at all. But for people who consume at least six cups of caffeinated coffee a day, the risk of cardiovascular disease has increased by 22%. The researchers found no genetic cause for this increase.

This is the first time that coffee consumption and cardiovascular health have been reduced.

"In order to maintain a healthy heart and healthy blood pressure, people must limit their coffee to less than six cups a day – according to our data, the critical point was the tipping point where caffeine began to negatively affect the cardiovascular risk, "said Hypponen.

Although research indicates that five cups of coffee are allowed, Hypponen said everyone should know their own limit. If you start to feel nervous, irritable or nauseous, you may have reached your limit of the day.

The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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