A surprised motorist while an alligator approaches a car at the corner of a street


A motorist was surprised to find himself facing an alligator who was approaching his car in the rain.

Roger Light Jr was driving to St. Petersburg, Florida, when he noticed a crowd of people standing in the rain with their mobile phone.

He wrote on Facebook: "This alligator scared me when I saw that he was heading towards my work vehicle when I was stopped in the light in front of WaWa on Gandy. Blvd and Grand Ave.

"I was wondering why people were recording video in the pouring rain and those who were backing down in the right lane where the lighter was." That's when that I saw it from the side of the passenger coming towards me lol. "

According to local reports, the alligator would have been the same as the one who was later tricked by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, near a nearby gas station. .

– Press Association


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