A teenage girl from Utah will "never touch a vape again" after coma, a lung disease


A Utah teenager who has spent years performing vaping tricks and testing new products is urging others to put the pens after landing in a coma with a rare lung disorder.


"I had in my lungs fat particles related to glycerine contained in vape juice," said Maddie Nelson, 18, at Fox 13 Now. "Then my lungs were full of liquid. They said that my chest x-ray was one of the worst they've ever seen.

Nelson went to a local hospital in Payson at the end of July, after several months of mild symptoms turned into fever and vomiting. From there, she was transferred to the Timpanagos Regional Hospital where she was admitted to the intensive care unit and placed in a medically induced coma for three days, according to Fox 13 Now.

"My temperature was so high that my brain was completely cut off," she told reporters.

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Nelson told his family that his illness was caused by his vaping habits. He was eventually diagnosed with eosinophilic pneumonia which, according to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, is a rare acute respiratory disease of varying severity.

Some cases have been associated with smoking or other inhalation exposures, medications and infections.

At one point, Nelson told her family that she might not live.

"My family thought seriously that I had died, and when I found out, it made me so sad," she told Fox 13 Now.

Hundreds of vape-related diseases have been reported in at least 22 states, with at least one death. Patients, including dozens of adolescents, have reported shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, fever, nausea and vomiting. Many patients have been in coma and health officials continue to comment on the uncertainty of the long-term effects of spraying.

As for Nelson, she is not sure what her future holds for her, she still suffers from chest tightness and needs oxygen at night.

"It's very scary because doctors do not know the long-term effects of this situation," Nelson told Fox 13 Now. "So, they do not know what the healing process is supposed to look like."

In Texas, a pediatrician said that she had had the same discussion with her 17-year-old patient who had also been found at the USI with pulmonary problems.

"The machines kept Tryston alive," said Dr. Mary Suzanne Withworth, medical director of Infectious Diseases at Cook Children.


Whitworth said Tryston had vowed never to touch the material again. The same can be said of Nelson.

"After that, I'll never touch a vape again," she told Fox 13 Now.


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