A woman develops a hematoma the size of a grapefruit after landing on a jet ski handlebar


The vaginal injury of an unnamed woman was documented in a medical journal after she asked for help for a massive hematoma on her vulva, appeared after she had fallen from his jet ski and landed on the handlebars of the boat. According to the case report, the woman immediately asked for help in an emergency room after the July 2018 accident, where she was "conservatively managed".

But three days later, she went to the Brooklyn Gynecology Professional Services, barely able to walk due to a 4.7-inch hematoma.

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"It was almost like having a grapefruit between her legs," Dr. Marashi Amir, a woman's doctor and co-author of the report, told DailyMail.com. "It was a hematoma big enough, very deep, and she could not walk around."

A vulvar hematoma is a collection of blood that accumulates in the soft tissues of the vulva after an injury or childbirth. Although small hematomas are unlikely to cause symptoms, larger ones can cause pain and swelling, difficulty or painful urination or swollen tissue. Treatment depends on size and severity. According to HealthLine.com, people less than 5 centimeters in length usually require over-the-counter painkillers or a cold compress. The larger hematomas may require surgery.

According to the case report published in the BMJ, the decision was made to surgically drain the hematoma, but the patient expressed concern about possible scars on her vulva. According to Amir and the co-author of the study, Dr. Ghanshyam Yadav, the procedure was performed via a "vertical incision on the left flank of the vagina."


"Her discomfort disappeared immediately after the operation and she followed a simple postoperative treatment," according to the case report. "The intravaginal approach gave a superior cosmetic result without scarring to the external vulva."


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