A woman suing NHS would have an aborted son with Down syndrome


In the United Kingdom, a mother allegedly filed a lawsuit against a hospital after failing to pass Down syndrome to her unborn son, claiming that she would have had an abortion if she had have knowledge of his condition.

Edyta Mordel sues the National Health Service (NHS) for £ 200,000, in a case lawfully labeled "unlawful birth," for "increased financial costs related to his son's care and the impact on his own ability to work, "according to the newspaper. the mirror.

Mordel said that she would have aborted her son Aleksander, now four years old, had she known that he was suffering from Down syndrome during her pregnancy. (RELATED: Trisomy mother says child demands ban on abortions caused by Down's syndrome

She gave birth to Aleksander in January 2015 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. The medical notes indicate that she was "very angry and upset" when she discovered her son's diagnosis.

She says the doctors did not pass tests that allowed her to determine if her baby had Down syndrome, even after she insisted. However, NHS lawyers said the test was offered to him, but chose not to undergo it.

Mordel discovered that she was pregnant in 2014 and says for the first time that she saw a midwife she told her that she wanted a Down syndrome screening, according to the Daily. Mail.

She thought the test was done at a 12-week appointment. However, medical notes indicate that "Down's screening has decreased" and that the test has never been done.

Mordel, a native of Poland, told the London High Court: "I knew from the start that I would agree on the screening for Down syndrome and that I would not make any other decision."

"I've always been sure of the decision and I've always wanted it," Mordel continued to tell the High Court. "I spoke with the midwife about Down syndrome screening. I am informed. I watched a lot of videos and read about the projection. "

A test would have shown that his son was at high risk of Down syndrome and that "Miss Mordel would have been offered an abortion. She and her partner, Aleksander's father, Lukasz Cieciura, agreed that they would have terminated the pregnancy, "Mordel's lawyer, Clodagh Bradely QC, has disputed.

Moments of happiness with the family - Mother and child have fun

Moments of family happiness – Mother and child have fun (Denis Kuvaev / Shutterstock)

NHS lawyers say she refused the test and, after Aleksander was born, she "regretted bitterly" not to take it.

An NHS Trust lawyer, Michael de Navarro, QC, argued that it is common for women to refuse screening if their risk of miscarriage is low and that Mordel had to change his mind prior to his appointment .

He described as "inconceivable" the fact that the medical note would indicate that she declined screening if she did not do so and it is contrary to the NHS rules to ask if a woman wants screening during of a subsequent appointment once she replied "no" because it is considered harassment.

Not only did her copy of the handheld notes contain the scan report stating that Down's selection had been denied, but she had to realize that she had not never had the result of the selection she was supposed to be waiting for, "said de Navarro.

Mordel insists: "I was so reassured that everything was fine, that the pregnancy was going well."

Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, said in an email to the daily call that regardless of whether a baby is born with a disability, it should not affect her right to life. (RELATED: Man with Down Syndrome makes a speech about the value of life – becomes viral)

"If a mother does not want to take care of her precious little child, we encourage her to let a loving family adopt her and raise her, helping her to achieve her goal. full potential, "said Tobias. "And, no, a hospital should not be sued for bringing this little innocent to the world."

The Royal Berkshire NHS Trust Foundation told the Daily Caller that he could make no comment, "as this case is currently under-judicial".

The statistics for 2017 show that the NHS litigation authority paid parents £ 70 million in five years for "wrongful birth" cases, according to the Daily Mail.

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