A woman who has faced O'Rourke accuses him of using "our victims" to push gun control


A Colorado national who opposed Beto O'Rourke as part of her gun control plan accused the Democratic presidential candidate of exploiting the tragedies to advance her agenda.

Lauren Boebert appeared on Fox News on Saturday, claiming that she wanted to confront O'Rourke as the presidential candidate uses large-scale shootings as a political tool. Boebert owns the Shooter Grill restaurant in Rifle, Colorado, where servers open their doors.

Boebert attended Friday at a City Hall from Ourourke in Aurora, Colorado, and told the former Texas representative: "Good God, no, you will not" confiscate the weapons, playing against the declared position of O 'Rourke: "yes, yes", we will take your AR-15. "

"He should be ashamed to have come to Colorado to expose our tragedies, they are our victims, he came here to paint a picture of his own campaign, shame on you, sir, for doing that." Boebert told Fox News.

"We were here, we experienced these losses," she added, citing a massive shootout in Aurora in 2012 that left a dozen dead. "Some criminals have committed these horrible acts and, by definition, they do not obey the law, so you can not pass any law that can put an end to the evil that reigns in a man's heart. . "


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