Abduction by extraterrestrials: an unlikely solution to the climate crisis | Science


First name: Extraterrestrial abductions.

Appearance: Wave.

Age: They have been happening since at least the 1960s.

Where do they come from? Some people certainly believe it.

Crazy people like David Icke? Yes, but not only them. The US Navy is reportedly preparing new guidelines that will encourage pilots to report any "unexplained air phenomena" they encounter, without fear of being ridiculed.

Do you mean "unidentified flying objects"? From now on, call them unexplained air phenomena, or I'll have to examine you.

D & # 39; AGREEMENT. But I thought we fixed all this in the 1990s? Mulder and Scully proved that the extraterrestrials were there. Then other evidence appeared that proved they were, in fact, fictional characters in a television series. This is the official version, if you want to believe it.

That seems alright to me. But how do you explain the fact that people still say that they were abducted by extraterrestrials?

People are wrong. If only it was so simple.

It is. Are you sure to be qualified to say it? Young-hae Chi, a professor at the University of Oxford, takes the theory of extraterrestrial abduction very seriously.

Is he a psychologist? A materials scientist? Not exactly. He teaches Korean at the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Oh. But in 2012, he gave a lecture at a conference hosted by Ammach, a support group for abductees. In this lecture, he challenged the idea put forward by ufologist David Jacobs that visiting extraterrestrials had a lamentable plan to conquer the world.

This seems unlikely, so I agree with Chi up here. Instead, he argued that their secret breeding program to create alien and human hybrids almost indistinguishable from humans was part of a noble effort to save humanity from environmental disaster. He has now written a book developing his theories.

I think that's where we are going to separate. Is there anything to have evidence? Well, the recent warming of the Earth is well documented and could lead to …

No, about the alien selection program. Well, there are testimonies of abductees, many of whom, according to Chi, remember to have been "implicated in sexual actions with aliens or even other abductees under the law. influence of mind control by extraterrestrials ".

Right. Apparently, some people remember seeing toddlers and hybrid fetuses in jars on their spaceships.

Listen, I think these people may have had a traumatic experience, but is there any direct evidence of the existence of aliens? Unfortunately, they live in another dimension, so we can not detect them most of the time.

I see. Like ghosts, then? I suppose.

Do not say, "Hey, the lack of evidence is not proof of absence. "

Do not tell: "Nor is it a good start. "


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