About 38 alternative titles for “Lawn Tondage Simulator”


Thursday, video game developer Skyhook Games ad than his next title, Lawn mowing simulator– not to be confused with its less specialized rival, Mowing simulator– releases for Xbox Series S / X and PC on August 10. The game, which promises to allow players to “experience the beauty and detail of mowing the great British countryside” and “browse an authentic and extensive list of real world licenses.” Lawn Mowers’, is the latest in a line of eerily soothing products virtual work simulators that transform real-life tasks into on-screen relaxation. Like many other digital recreations of extremely specific and unglamorous activities—PowerWash Simulator, Orchard simulator, Toy Handyman Simulator, Bakery simulator, Gas station simulator, Forestry simulator, etc-Lawn mowing simulatorThe title describes exactly what it is.

But what this post presupposes is: what if it wasn’t? What if Skyhook had called him something dumber instead?

Shortly after discovering the existence of Lawn mowing simulator, The ringThe Slack video game channel has collectively lost its mind. It started when Ben lindbergha informed incurable anglophile and owner of the X series Brian phillips this Lawn mowing simulator would allow him to cut English lawns whenever he wanted. “Oh my god,” Phillips said. “My Breath of the wild. Then the disease struck. Lindbergh proposed an alternate title: Great british rake. Rob harvilla suggested Blade Sitter. And David lara passed the point of no return when he weighed in to say Grand Mow Auto. This sparked the following insane exchange, which we chose to share so that you too would be forced to spend part of your day brainstorming other names for a game of mowing lawns. Please let us know if we ran out of any.

[5:15 p.m. ET] Jomi Adeniran: Call of Dirty: Grass Opps

[5:17] Lindbergh: Twisted petal

[5:18] Cory mcconnell: Horizon Zero Lawn

[5:19] Phillips: Astro Bot: Fescue Mission

[5:19] Matt james: War mud

[5:19] James: Demon floors

[5:21] McConnell: Great Turismow

[5:22] Lindbergh: Can it be a blog?

[5:25] Lindbergh: (Need for seeds)

[5:27] Adeniran: Sonic the hedge trimmer

[5:36] James: Dr. Robotanist

[5:33] Kjerstin johnson: Animal crossing

[5:37] Lindbergh: Grass effect

[5:37] Lindbergh: Assassin’s Grass

[5:39] James: Final Fertilizer VII Remake Intergrade

[5:40] Phillips: Looking at my weed infested unmowed lawn: Cyberpunk 2077

[5:41] Lindbergh: Peat fighter

[5:41] Lindbergh: Saints Mow

[5:43] McConnell: Ninja Garden

[5:56] Lindbergh: The court tale

[5:56] Lindbergh: Broken grass (I used a thesaurus for this one)

[6:43] McConnell: Plant revolution

[6:43] McConnell: Did you think it was over?

[6:50] Adeniran: Mega Mulch and AstroTurf

[9:32] Miles Surrey: Uncharted 2: Among the leaves

[9:33] James: Apex hedges

[9:38] Isaiah Blakely: Lawn mower watch

[9:38] McConnell: Deadly compost

[9:54] James: Red deciduous redemption

[9:41] Lindbergh: Over the past three hours I’ve been like, “Flower plunderer? The Elder Knolls? Is it something? ”

[10:02] James: Eternal FLOWER

[10:03] McConnell: I promise you that I have finished but: Rocket League

[10:05] James: Please don’t be done

[10:05] Harvilla: The lawns of us

[10:09] James: Untitled Weed Game

[10:10] Lindbergh: Lawn Days

[10:12] Lara: Redemption of the red lawn

[10:12] Lindbergh: OK, now you just replace “lawn” with words that don’t rhyme with “lawn”

[10:13] Lara: Exactly

[10:15] Lindbergh: Lords of Pollen

[10:15] Blakely: Super Mowerio Party

[10:38] Julianna Ress: The Legend of Zelda: The Weed Wacker

[10:42] Harvilla: Battle toads

[10:43] Lindbergh: I almost suggested Star Wars Jedi: Order of the Pollen

[10:46] Lara: Legit thought of this one too

[10:47] Lindbergh: All our brains are broken

[7:21 a.m.] Phillips: Grand Theft Auto: sand and ryegrass

This transcript has been edited and condensed, if you can believe it.


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