According to a study, fast walkers could live 15 years longer than dummies


Fast walkers seem to live longer than lambda: a study shows that people who walk fast live up to 15 years, regardless of their weight

  • The study, led by the University of Leicester, relies on data from 474,919 people
  • It is believed that those who walk faster do more exercise, which implies that they are in better shape
  • This then protects them against high blood pressure, obesity and inactivity

A new study suggests that fast walkers live longer than lambda – whatever their weight.

Researchers at the University of Leicester analyzed data on 474,919 people aged 52 years on average in the British biobank between 2006 and 2016.

They found that women who walked fast had a life expectancy of 86.7 to 87.8 years, and that men who followed the pace had a life expectancy of 85.2 to 86.8 years.

The prospects for slow walkers were much darker: women had a life expectancy of 72.4 years and men aged 64.8 years, although they were more relaxed in their movements.

According to the newspaper, published last week in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, this ratio remained true even though people who walked fast were overweight severe or morbid.

That does not mean that fast walkers will live longer – the report proves only a correlation, not a cause and effect – but experts say it would suggest that walking speed could be a rude way for doctors to judge of the general health of their patients in parallel with other tests.

Healthy scientists have found that healthy adults who walk slowly are twice as likely to succumb to the world's leading killer.

Healthy scientists have found that healthy adults who walk slowly are twice as likely to succumb to the world's leading killer.

This is not the first study that considers walking speed as a powerful factor that seems to improve – and determine – our health.

In 2011, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study of geriatric medicine professor Stephanie Studenski, of the University of Pittsburgh, who found the same thing: walking speed was a reliable predictor of life expectancy.

In 2013, US researchers found that the pace of walking was linked to a lower risk of heart disease and longer life expectancy.

In 2018, a study from the University of Sydney found that speeding up your walking pace at a moderate speed could reduce your risk of premature death by one-fifth.

And Tom Yates, professor of physical activity in Leicester, behind the latest study, has published results on this topic for years.

In 2017, he analyzed the same data from the British Biobank and found that walking speed seemed to affect the risk of death from heart disease – concluding that the slowest walkers were twice as likely to suffer a death bound to the heart as fast walkers.

These are just a few examples.

The new study simply adds weight to the results, which, experts say, are now robust enough that doctors can routinely prescribe faster steps to their patients.

"Our findings could help clarify the relative importance of fitness versus body weight on the life expectancy of individuals," Yates said in a press release.

"The studies published so far have mainly shown the impact of body weight and physical fitness on mortality in terms of relative risk," said Francesco Zaccardi, clinical epidemiologist at Leicester Diabetes Center and co-investigator. author of the study.

However, it is not always easy to interpret a "relative risk". In contrast, life expectancy reports are easier to interpret and give a better idea of ​​the distinct and joint importance of body mass index and fitness.


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