According to health officials, the measles outbreak could affect more people than it was suspected


On Tuesday, New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio declared a public health emergency due to the resurgence of measles in Brooklyn. Measles has also experienced an alarming increase in other parts of the country, such as Michigan, California, and Washington State. Although many reported cases of measles have been reported in children under the age of 18, this does not mean that adults are safe. In fact, the measles epidemic could affect more people than was initially suspected, according to a recent report from Detroit Free Press.

The report suggests that adults born between 1957-1989 may consider themselves safe from contracting measles, but this may not be the case. People born during this period may have received only a single dose of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine because, at the was recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since 1989, however, the CDC has changed its recommendation to two doses of MMR vaccine rather than just one. The double dose should give people 97% protection against the measles virus. Unfortunately, there are people who think that their vaccination record is up to date and that it is safe. That's why Oakland County Health Division spokesperson, Leigh-Anne Stafford, wants people to talk to their health care professionals to check their vaccination record.

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As Stafford explained to the Detroit Free Press:

For many people born after 1957 and before 1989-1990, a single dose was recommended at that time. Many people may feel up-to-date about their vaccines because their parents might say, "Oh, you're up to date. We vaccinated you. But they are not. That's why we keep talking about knowing your status. Are there two doses documented somewhere with a doctor? Or is it listed in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MICR), which is Michigan's registration database for vaccinations? If you do not, get vaccinated.

In New York, the state has ordered any unvaccinated adult to do so, under penalty of paying a $ 1,000 fine, as health officials attempt to control the public health emergency due to the measles epidemic. United States today.

The measles virus is highly contagious and presents a host of symptoms for those affected, according to adult vaccination, including:

  • high fever
  • reckless
  • runny nose
  • pink and watery eyes
  • cough
  • diarrhea
  • ear pain

Measles can also take up to 21 days between exposure and signs of symptoms, which means that it can be difficult to return to the site of exposure. The best thing you can do to avoid getting measles and pass it on to the community is to know your immunization history, ABC News. Even if you have received both doses of MMR vaccine, you can ask your doctor to check your blood for measles antibodies. While health authorities in several states are trying to contain the spread of the virus, prevention is better than cure.


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