Adm. Giroir, former COVID task force member urges vaccines, but tears up ‘rough’ message from Biden CDC


Former White House Coronavirus Task Force Member Admiral Brett Giroir urged Americans to get vaccinated, but added that messages from the Biden administration and its CDC director Rochelle Walensky, were “rough”.

Walensky]was recently criticized for issuing new, more stringent masking guidelines, including for people vaccinated in certain situations – without immediately disclosing the data on which this decision was made.

Giroir, who served under President Donald Trump, said no matter how politicized or controversial the CDC’s recommendations and messages on virus mitigation appear, as a doctor he strongly advised all Americans to be vaccinated to avoid the contagion of new variants.

Despite the stumbles of the CDC messages, Giroir reiterated that most unvaccinated Americans will contract the highly contagious Delta variant at some point.

“I think the data you saw today only underscores what I said: the Delta variant is extremely contagious – pretty much like chickenpox, infecting an average of nine people instead of two to three people. with the old variant, ”he told“ The Story ”.

“What I said, if you’re not vaccinated or if you’ve never had COVID before, it’s a matter of time before you get Delta. It’s really so contagious. which worries me, even those who have already been infected, there is a growing body of evidence showing that natural immunity does not transfer as well in Delta. “

Giroir said that from a medical standpoint, the COVID vaccine is no different from the flu vaccine, which he says is not a panacea and generally only targets the prevalent strain of influenza during of a given year.

“We need to get the flu shot every year because the flu changes. Delta has changed enough that our pre-existing natural immunity is probably not as good as we need it to be,” he said. “One thing has proven to be true time and time again and holds true if you get the vaccine: you are 95% protected against hospitalization and death. Although you can still catch the virus and pass it on, you are not going to die or be hospitalized. That is why you need to get vaccinated.

As for Walensky and President Biden, Giroir said disseminating public health advisories was not easy. However, he said, the most recent firestorm was entirely preventable if Walensky disclosed the data she used to issue her warrants.

“One thing that I think has been a disaster is making recommendations when you have the data but you haven’t released it,” he said.

“The data released today helps us understand. So I want the message to be very clear to people. Vaccinations are very protective against death and hospitalization. They are less protective against infection with Delta.”


“Their message needs a lot of help. That’s why I want to help get this message across. Thank you for the opportunity.”

As host Trace Gallagher noted, the New York Post editorial board echoed concerns about Walensky, stating that her advice may not be wrong, but “she doesn’t understand how to contact the general public – or that, as is usual with the public health bureaucracies, her only worry is that something horrible will happen without her having covered her butt beforehand. “

The Post suggested that the White House replace Walensky with another official when it comes to engaging directly with the public.


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