Adobe warns users that someone else might sue them for using older versions of Photoshop


of you-don't-have-not-what-you-buy dept

For years, we have noted time and time again that in the modern era, you no longer own the things you buy. Game consoles that magically lose important features after the purchase to digital purchases that simply disappear, we live in a time when a quick firmware update can erode the features and where too long CLUs can deprive all your rights in an instant, leaving you with a hole in your pocket and a glorified clipboard.

Last typical case: Adobe started this week to warn users of its Creative Cloud software applications that they are no longer allowed to use older versions of the company's software platforms (Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, Premiere, Animate, and Media Director). In the letter, Adobe made it fairly encrypted that users could risk infringing copyright actions of mysterious third parties if they continued to use older versions of these platforms and refused to update them. Not surprisingly, the end users were equal and confused:

When I asked Adobe for more details on why users might be sued for using something they thought they possessed, they did not want to say more than what was already in the letters:

"Adobe has recently discontinued some versions of older Creative Cloud applications, and customers using these versions have been notified that they are no longer allowed to use them and have instructions to upgrade to the latest versions." Unfortunately, customers who continue to use or deploy older, unauthorized versions of Creative Cloud may be confronted with potential third-party infringement actions. "

Although Adobe could not be bothered to clarify this fact, the company apparently made a vague reference to its ongoing legal dispute with Dolby Labs. Dolby sued Adobe last year (pdf) for copyright infringement after being dissatisfied with the new revenue-sharing agreement that was developed as a result of Adobe's move in 2013 of its controversial model "software as a subscription" based on the cloud. There is really no indication that Dolby would be actually pursue Adobe customers, and it seems more than likely that Adobe just wanted to cast some shadow on Dolby – without that being quite clear, that's what it's all about. ;They did.

In any event, copyright experts have quickly pointed out that, given the overly broad nature of modern EULAs, users have no chance of finding a genuine legal remedy:

Dylan Gilbert, an expert in copyright-based Public Knowledge consumer groups, said that in this case, users would likely not have much legal recourse against this sudden change.
"Unless Adobe has violated the terms of its license agreement by this sudden interruption of support for an earlier software release, which is unlikely, these affected users simply need to smile and bear it, "said Gilbert.

There are many legitimate reasons why users may not want to update their most recent versions. Artists and creators often do not like updating new versions in the middle of a project, lest unexpected bugs pose a problem. But again, in the modern era, not only do you not have what you buy, but all the ground that moves under your feet is removed by too long EULAs that leave you powerless to do much at that topic. In addition to refusing to buy products from companies that engage in an alarmist campaign and systematically violate your rights, it is.

Filed Under: animate, copyright, creative cloud, lightroom, media director, property, photoshop, first, subscriptions
Companies: adobe, dolby labs


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