Afghan dispatches: “Terrible changes and disasters have befallen society. – LEGAL OFFICER – News


EXCLUSIVE JURIST – Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan file reports with JURIST on the situation there after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban. Here, a law graduate from Kabul offers her observations and perspective. For reasons of confidentiality and security, we retain his name and institutional affiliation. The text has only been slightly retouched to respect the author’s voice.

The overthrow of the Afghan government by the Taliban brought about enormous change and instability, briefly listed below:


As soon as the American troops left Afghanistan, the president fled abroad and the Taliban insurgents took power. On the day they entered the country’s capital, the administration collapsed and all banks and offices (both government and private) were closed and fear gripped the city. The exit flights were canceled, no body was able to leave the country even those who had visas and tickets in addition to the many people who were willing to sacrifice everything to get out of the country.

Due to the absence of experts and learned people, the Taliban could not quickly establish their cabinet. Eventually, after a month, they announced it, but it was not acceptable to the nation as none of its members are eligible for their post and no women are included. Moreover, ethnic racism is only roaring – 91.1% of cabinet ministers are Pastun. As they have no knowledge of management and administration, the firm faces enormous difficulties and problems. Most of the countries in the world are unwilling to accept the administration of the Taliban, with the exception of countries that they have already helped them to take control of the country, such as Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran…

The Taliban have no respect and no good reputation among the people. Most people don’t want them to be the government. In Panjshir province, a National Front of Resistance against the Taliban was formed by Ahmad Massoud, the only son of the country’s national hero. The front is getting bigger and bigger day by day and they started the conflict, but they need help from the United States, Europe and other countries to defeat the Taliban and fight for it. humanity and equality.


Terrible changes and catastrophes have befallen society. The Taliban prevent girls from going to schools and offices and having their rights. They even force girls and women to wear the burqa. They say they are not allowed to leave their homes; they treat women in a savage and disrespectful way.

Men and women across the country are simply exhausted and have demonstrated, but unfortunately during the protests several people were killed by the Taliban.
The Taliban are trying to stop the protests with violence. Yet courageous and courageous women continue to make their voices heard for the world.

The Taliban have caused a lot of waste and loss for the country. For example,

  • The Taliban closed and arrested 200 hospitals and health program offices that were under the control of foreign countries.
  • on the night they were about to announce their administration, 18 people were killed by Taliban militants as the militants celebrated the shooting
  • In a debate, a man defended democracy and blamed the Taliban for destroying it, but after one day the Taliban arrested him and sent him to an unknown location.
  • no woman and girl can go to the office for their work.
  • they destroyed the electricity and networks in Panjshir province where the National Resistance Front is in conflict with them.
  • even the people of this province have no availability for food and other supplies. If the Taliban do not allow them to have food and supplies, a terrible disaster will occur.
  • the Taliban arrested hundreds of people from Panjshir and sent them to an unknown location, and they started the genocide in Panjshir province. They killed 400 people including men, women and children.
  • they severely tortured two journalists.


The country is facing a critical economic situation. The old government was extremely corrupt and everyone knew it; former president Mr. Ghani stole $ 169 million and fled overseas.

Since the Taliban took power, the borders have been closed and there are no imports or exports. Shops and markets remain closed as well as banks; nobody can withdraw their money. Over 2 million workers have lost their jobs.

Poverty affects everyone. No investment is coming. All the NGOs and organizations have left the country. The cost of goods and food is increasing.

Although the Taliban insist that some workers return to their desks, workers have no faith in the Taliban because people experienced the Taliban administration 20 years ago. It is clear to everyone that the Taliban are not being honest about what they say and recommend.

Judiciary and courts

After the fall of the country’s capital to the Taliban, all lawyers, judges and staff in the justice system quit their jobs and went into hiding so that the Taliban would not arrest them.

Meanwhile, the Taliban condemn the people without any explanation or even judgment. Because they have not announced their final cabinet, they are making the court of the drum skin (traditional judgment). For example, a few days ago the Taliban arrested two thieves in Kabul. They blackened them in front of the crowd and led them through the city. This action by the Taliban shows that they have no respect for human dignity and human values.

In general, the justice system is paralyzed. There is no activity in related organs. Everything is stopped.


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