Months before their official start, the iPhone 2018 models emerged on the basis of data from the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). New models running iOS 12 are spotted with model identifiers such as A1920, A1921, A1984, A2097, A2098, A2099, A2103, A2104, A2105, and A2106. Along with the new iPhone models, two new models of iPad have made their appearance. These new models come on top of the five non-advertised iPad models that were spotted earlier this month. The Eurasian database has also recently revealed five new Mac models running macOS 10.13. Notably, the Eurasian database has a clear revelation history of upcoming Apple developments. The database was found to have entries for the iPhone 7, Apple Watch Series 2 and AirPods in August 2016 – a month before their official release.
As reported by Consomac, the EEC database revealed up to 11 iPhone identifier models running iOS 12. There are basically three distinct series of numbers in the range starting with A19 …, A20. .., and A21 …, to suggest that the range will include three different models. This is in line with previous rumors that have called for the development of a 6.1-inch LCD iPhone, 6.5-inch OLED display with iPhone X Plus, and the successor of the iPhone X's 5 , 8 inches. In addition, all the models spotted in the last list was previously filed in the database in April with iOS 11.
It is expected that Apple will unveil the family of the iPhone 2018 in the course of September. The new range is so far supposed to include USB Type-C charging accessories and dual-SIM variants.
In addition to the iPhone models, the people of Consomac have found two new iPad models on the Eurasian database. the new models arrive a few days after the regulatory database, including five new models of iPad. This makes a total of seven iPad models that have not been announced yet.
Earlier this month, the UNECE database revealed up to five new Mac models. Models with model numbers A1931, A1932, A1988, A1989 and A1990 were found to run macOS 10.13. In addition, among other models, it appeared that the last three of the series could prove to be the new MacBook Pro SKUs. These models are likely to be the updated MacBook Pro models that Apple unveiled last week.
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