& # 39; Semblance & # 39; did the story on the Nintendo Switch on July 24


After nearly three years of development, Kimani says that he is "excited AF" to finally have a release date for Semblance . Now, Nyamakop's developers have to wait a few weeks for their game to come into play.

"It will be hard not to get carried away by the cliff, but we will try to have fun with it," says Myres. "Talking about the game in a fun way and being a player with people who are eager to play – a lot of memes and jokes probably. This has been a long way to get the game here, so we are especially excited to put the game in. hands of people. "

Semblance was not originally designed to be a Switch title, but after Nintendo revealed its new console in October 2016, Kimani and Myres have conspired to enter the system. Since there were no big video game conventions or publishers based in South Africa, and they were not, they went around the world to make networking and show the game. They eventually manifested Semblance to a Nintendo representative outside a San Francisco restaurant during GDC 2017, and Nyamakop was approved to develop for the on-site switch.

Nintendo has actively courted the Switch's independent developers over the past year, and Semblance is one of the many new games created by small teams to hit the system. However, thanks to the hustle and bustle of Kimani and Myres, this will be the only game released from South Africa on the Switch or on any other Nintendo console.

"You do not have any representatives living in your country," said Myres Engadget at E3 2018 in Los Angeles. "The press that counts is there, there is not enough local market to sell, so you have to do some work to sell to the West, which means you have to go to western concerts and So, basically, if you do not travel a ton, you will not be able to do it. "

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