6 questions of the indictment of 12 Russians for hacking


One thing is very clear since the indictment on Friday of 12 Russian spies: the Justice Ministry believes that the Russian government has hacked the emails of the Democrats during the elections to try to harm the chances of victory in the elections. Hillary Clinton

. unanswered about who may have had contact with Russian hackers and why. These are questions that, in at least three cases below, the Washington Post has already been able to answer. Here they are:

1.Who was the Congress candidate who got information from Russian hackers?

The indictment alleges that the Russians hacked the emails of the Democrats for months, and throughout the campaign publicly published these documents or shared them with people – including, according to the indictment.

Who was this person and why did she want this information and what did they do with it? We still do not know.

2. Who in the orbit of Trump spoke to the pirates?

The indictment says that hackers, who were trying to hide their true identities, "were writing to a person in regular contact With In August, the indictment indicates that hackers responded to this person related to Trump: "thank you for answering … you can not find anything … [h] ing interesting in the docs that I posted? "

Two days later they added this:" please tell me if I can help you anyway … it would be a great pleasure for me. "

Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky reported that this person is Roger Stone, a Trump confidant who served as an outside advisor for the campaign

But here is another question that raises the Stone's communication with the hackers: How many times have they spoken? The indictment gives the impression that the communication between the pirates and Stone was regular. From the indictment:

"On or about September 9, 2016, the Conspirators, posted as Guccifer 2.0, referred to a DCCC document stolen online and asked the person: "What do you think about the info on the participation model? for the entire presidential campaign of the Democrats. The person replied, "[p] retty standard." "

3. Who was working with hackers to harm Clinton's campaign?

The hackers themselves do not want to … have not released the largest discharge of documents.It is the work of an organization that the indictment described only as "Organization 1." The act The prosecution described this organization as extremely eager to publish documents in time for maximum impact to hurt the Clinton campaign.

According to the 2016 indictment, just before the Democratic National Convention "Organization 1" has repeatedly fooled hackers, who still disguised their true Russian identities, to get them to release "everything related to the hill" in time for maximum impact on the Clinton campaign. reported that WikiLeaks was an organization that published e-mails that The hackers had stolen on the eve of the Democrats convention, leading Debbie Wbaderman Schultz to resign.

The unanswered question is whether there is a connection between what WikiLeaks published and what Stone knew or did not know. During the campaign, he was in contact with the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and he publicly boasted that Assange "will soon educate the American people" on Clinton.

A few days later, after Stone said this, WikiLeaks published stolen emails from Clinton campaign president John Podesta

On Friday, Stone's lawyer, Grant Smith, said to the Post that his client had no contact with the Russians: "[I] it appears from the indictment published today [Stone] was not involved in any way whatsoever. the alleged hacking of the 2016 elections. "

4. The indictment says that "in July 2016, Russian hackers had access to a state board of administration" and stole information about 500,000 voters, including names, addresses, partial social security numbers, birth dates, and driver's license numbers. "It's unclear what state it was or what happened with the information of the drivers. voters. But the indictment says they've continued to poll election offices in key states – such as Georgia, Iowa and Florida – for weaknesses.

Is there a connection with Trump publicly asking the Russians to hack Clinton and the Russians who are trying to hack Clinton?

The indictment establishes a direct link with one of the most infamous Trump campaign lectures and Russian attempts to hack Clinton. In July 2016, Trump told the media emails that Clinton had not handed over to the FBI during his investigation into his use of a private server during his tenure as secretary of state. Trump then said: "Russia, if you listen, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

The indictment says that "the same day", the Russians seemed to try:

"[T] The conspirators tried after hours to harpoon for the first time courier accounts on a domain hosted by a third-party vendor and used by Clinton's personal office.At the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses in the Clinton campaign area. "

There are no evidence that there has been coordination behind the scenes on this hacking, and the indictment does not allege anything. But it shows that these Russian hackers watched carefully the American presidential campaign.

6. How did this have an impact on the election, if any?

The indictment makes no mention of the outcome of the elections. In announcing the indictment Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein said that it was not for the Justice Department to understand. There are some in the legal world who argue that the impact on the election does not matter: more importantly, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that a government stranger tried to influence a US presidential election. 19659032] But politicians on both sides have seized this issue of electoral impact, anyway. Clinton said she was sure that Russian leaks of Podesta emails in October had cost her her life.

The former National Intelligence Director, James R. Clapper Jr., told PBS NewsHour in May that he personally thought that Russia's election: "[T] where it goes beyond the logic and the credulity that they did not affect the election and that is my belief that they actually toured it. "

While Trump recognized Russian piracy during the election, he and his Republican congressional allies argued that the Russian influence did not change anyone's votes.

It is very difficult to badess how much Russian efforts have affected voters, but what is made clear by Friday 's indictment is that Russia has certainly tried. DOMContentLoaded ", function () {});
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