7 common signs you could have magnesium deficiency


If magnesium was in your girls squad, she would be the eccentric of the crew.

It's because magnesium is basically the unsung hero of your body: It plays a role in nerve and muscle function, blood sugar, bone Health and metabolism, among other things, says Lauren Manaker, dietitian and founder of Nutrition Now Counseling

and when you do not have enough, it can cause serious damage.

Women should take 310 to 320 mg of magnesium a day (350 to 360 mg for pregnant women), according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States. Fortunately, it's everywhere: dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, avocados, bananas, yogurt – even dark chocolate has magnesium.

But most people still do not get as much as they should, according to the NIH. According to Amy Shapiro, dietitian and founder of Real Nutrition NYC, underlying health problems such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease or insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes) are often weak.

low levels, too. "People who abuse alcohol, have a poor diet, gastrointestinal problems or vitamin D deficiency also have a higher risk of magnesium deficiency," says Shapiro. some pretty neat questions. Here are some symptoms of magnesium deficiency that you should definitely talk to your doctor about.

1. "Fingers and toes seem to sting."

"Since magnesium plays a role in nerve impulses in the body, a deficiency can cause numbness or numbness. tingling, "says Manaker. This can occur mainly in the extremities, such as the fingers and toes, and often feels like your limb has fallen asleep.

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Think: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, tiredness and weakness. These are usually the first symptoms to appear when someone is deficient in magnesium, says Manaker.

Of course, these could be a sign of a lot of other things, including the flu. Consult your doctor if the symptoms do not go away within five days, says Manaker.

 woman blow nose

3. You had a seizure, but you do not have an epileptic seizure.

Epileptic seizures are symptoms of worsening magnesium deficiency, according to the NIH. That's because seizures occur when there is abnormal electrical activity in your brain – and a lack of magnesium can cause that, says Manaker. If you have had a seizure, see a doctor immediately.

4. Your muscles contract all the time.

These muscular contractions can make your legs or arms stiff, heavy or hard to move, says Beth Warren, dietitian and author of Secrets of a Kosher Girl . "Researchers believe that this is caused by a greater flow of calcium in the nerve cells when magnesium levels are low, which excites or over stimulates the muscle nerves," she says.

"Pregnant women may experience leg cramps, and some clinical trials suggest that magnesium supplementation may help improve the frequency and intensity of cramps in the legs during pregnancy," she adds

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5. You Do not Act Like Yourself lately.

Low levels of magnesium can also cause changes in your mood and personality and increase your risk of depression. Some signs could include mental numbness, lack of emotions and increased feelings of anxiety, says Shapiro.

6. Your heart beats faster than usual.

Magnesium deficiency can lower your potbadium levels, which can affect your heart muscle cells and shake your normal heart rate, says Warren. If you feel that your heart rate is slower or faster than usual, be sure to mention it to your doctor.


"If you are constipated, this may be an indication that the diet needs magnesium to have a laxative effect," explains Manaker

. comes to number two? "The common definition of" normal "stool is, on average, three times a week," she explains. Many health experts agree that less than three stools a week means that you are constipated.

 empty toilet roll

This article was originally published on www.womenshealthmag.com ]

Source of the image: iStock

Korin Miller

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