92-year-old mother kills her son to avoid being sent to retirement home


A 92-year-old American mother, Anna Mae Blessing, was charged with murdering her anonymous son, 72, because he was planning to move her to a care facility.

Blessing shared a house with his son and 57 year old girlfriend in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County when the shooting occurred on July 2nd.

"According to the statements provided by the suspect Blessing and received by the detectives, she had contemplated for several days the intentions of her son to place it in a statement, [traduction]

Ms. Blessing stated that her son was had said that he was going to place her in a care home because she had "become difficult to live with"


According to the police, the man The 92-year-old hid two pistols in the pockets of her dress before confronting her son's room and told the police that her reasoning was: "You ended my life, I'm taking yours." [19659002Thesondiedfromtwogunshotwoundstohisneckandjaw

but she charged Blessing and managed to snatch the pistols from him

The police statement revealed that the mother intended to shooting after shooting at his son, but this was thwarted when the lost the possession of the pistols

The pistols had not been used since the 1970s. One had been given to the suspect by her husband before his death, and she supposedly bought the other gun herself.

She told the police that she deserved to be "asleep" for her actions. with first degree murder, aggravated badault and kidnapping. The deposit was set at $ 500,000. The case resumes on July 13th.

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