The ghosts of Tsushima turn away from history but with a purpose


Sucker Punch's Co-Founder Chris Zimmerman talked about historical deviations in Ghosts of Tsushima and how the developer tries to stay true to the story while rendering intentional changes for the benefit of the game.

 tsushima ghosts

History and games are always a delicate combination. Even in other media such as film and television, entertainment and history have a rather tenuous relationship. Changes are almost always made, and in video games, with their interactivity, these differences are often more pronounced. Of the weapons not blocking in the games of the Second World War or Charles Dickens not being loosely badociated with the brotherhood of a secret badbadin, it is sometimes necessary to stretch the truth for a good gaming experience.

the next ghosts of Tsushima . The game is based on Jan. 13 samurai, but the co-founder of developer Sucker Punch, Chris Zimmerman said that the team consults and tries to make inaccuracies as intentionally as possible. Speaking to GameSpot, he said:

The way I think about it is: we are going to deviate from the historical truth, we just want to do it intentionally. Much of the support we receive from our Sony friends in Japan, our Japanese friends from Sony US and all the cultural consultants we have gathered to help us do that, is to make sure we do not accidentally deviate. There are things we are going to do that are different and we want to choose them wisely.

He then gave an example, saying that they have a little bothered with the armor style of the moment to do something more attractive to the player.

The idea of ​​most people is really based on a samurai idea that is really more of a samurai idea of ​​the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries; The 13th century, historically, is quite different. In terms of how they fought, what they wore, it does not meet your expectations. So we do not exactly stick to the historical truth of samurai of the Kamakura era. It's going to be a little different. The armor that you see it wearing, it is not a 13th century armor. It is the armor of the time of the belligerent states. Because, honestly, the armor of the 13th century is quite discordant, it is not what we would expect. It's really boxy. It does not seem ambitious. And we want to make sure that what we give you is your fantasy of what is a wandering samurai.

Zimmerman went on to give other examples and talk about other aspects of the story with which the game will be struggling. It's worth reading.

This is an interesting choice, and I think that makes sense. The developers of Ghosts of Tsushima will certainly want to develop their creative muscles and these decisions are obviously made to enhance the player's experience. Although I am sure that it will hurt many people, I am happy that the team is putting in place care and thinking about what they are changing. I can not wait to see more.

(Last updated July 4, 2018 11:30 )

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