Three poachers become lions' lunch


At least three suspected poachers who apparently hunted rhinos were slaughtered and eaten by lions in a game reserve in Eastern Cape, the owner said Thursday.

The men entered the Sibuya reserve The southeastern coast, armed with a high-powered rifle and an ax, was found dismembered the next day

"They got lost in a pride of lions – it's a great pride, so they do not have too much "We do not know exactly how many there were – there's not much left of it" [19659002] "It seems that there are clothes for three people. I have never heard of it in our region. "

Police officers of the judicial police were on the scene to conduct tests on the remains of the victims, Fox added:

" We went yesterday. [anaesthetise] all lions, "he says," I think we had a lucky stroke here that the lions arrived before they arrived at the rhinos. "

" We lost three rhinos in March 2016. "

Fewer than 25,000 rhinos remain in the wild in Africa due to an upsurge in poaching.

Rhinos are intended to fuel the growing demand for rhinoceros horns in China, Vietnam and other Asian countries

Fox says the reserve was still open to guests despite the incident.

"C & P Is always as usual, it does not change anything we do, "he said.

" The comments on our Facebook all talk about karma and warnings. "

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