<img clbad = "expand-img-vertical" itemprop = "url" src = "https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/4178ca7cb758ff61eb2cae6458756cbca218fc85/c=117-0-2247-2840/ local / – / media / 2018/07/05 / USATODAY / USATODAY / 636663932928307141-AP-Britian-Royals.jpg? width = 534 & height = 712 & fit = crop "alt =" Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan of Susbad, attends a reception for young Commonwealth leaders at the Marlborough House in London, July 5, 2018. (Photo: Yui Mok / Pool / AP) [19659004] It was a sunny day in London, at least in part thanks to the Duchess Meghan of Susbad and the sunny yellow dress she wore during her last public appearance on Thursday.

Already an inspiration from fashion, Meghan stands out] Brandon Maxwell sleeveless yellow sheath in sleeveless crepe with neckline boat and midi length, with beige suede stilettos.

Prince Harry and his fiancée, the former American actress Meghan Markle, evolve r their new roles as young leaders of the Commonwealth, an organization formerly under British rule.

The new royal couple met with over 100 young people representing Commonwealth nations at a reception at Marlborough House, the former royal residence next to St. James's Palace which now serves as the headquarters of the Commonwealth.

the Commonwealth Youth Forum to establish intercultural links and networks and prepare young people to lead the organization of the former countries of the British Empire. The Commonwealth is dear to Harry's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, who has nurtured her since her accession to the throne in 1952.

60% of the Commonwealth population is under 30 – Your Commonwealth Youth Challenge helps its young leaders develop their ideas about the type of Commonwealth they want to see in 2040 #CommonwealthYouth pic.twitter.com/JnBSCOFlC0

– Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) July 5, 2018 [19659012Peudetempsavantlemariageroyalducouplele19mailareineafaitdeHarryuneambbadadricedelajeunesseduCommonwealthsignalantqu&#39;elleavaitl&#39;intentionpourluietMeghandejouerunrôledepremierplanpourinspirerlaprochainegénérationdeleadersduCommonwealthL&#39;organisationestcomposéede53nationsquicouvrentleglobeoùenviron60%delapopulationamoinsde30ans

"Meghan and I are incredibly excited to meet so many d & # 39; you who are the future of the Commonw ealth, "Harry said in a speech to the group. "We are looking forward to seeing you in action in your home countries and learning what you are doing to improve the Commonwealth and the world, in 2040 and beyond."

Since their marriage Harry, 33, and Duchess Meghan, 36, has made numerous public appearances, delighting British royal fans fascinated by the new American Duchess

The Queen, 92, was also personally involved in Meghan's on-the-job training, bringing the new king along for a day of engagement in northwestern English city in Cheshire last month . Meghan was able to join her aboard the Royal Train, normally out of reach of everyone except the Queen and Prince Philip and Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla.

Meanwhile, her sister-in-law, Duchess Kate of Cambridge, Since the birth of her third child, Prince Louis, on April 23, the new royal couple has been the subject of a more great attention.

The schedules of Harry and Meghan are particularly busy next week, starting with the baptism of nephew Prince Louis in the Royal Chapel at St. James Palace on Monday.

Tuesday morning, they will join the Queen and other members of the Royal Family for several events at Westminster Abbey and at Buckingham Palace celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Air Force.

That evening, they will travel to Dublin, the Irish capital, for a 24-hour visit filled with parties. , meetings with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and President Michael Higgins, and a walk to Trinity College. They will see the historic book of Kells in the famous old college library, pay homage to the nearby Irish famine memorial and visit the Irish Museum of Emigration

Then on July 17, the couple must visit the centenary of Nelson Mandela. Exhibition at Southbank Center, an exhibition marking the centenary of the birth of the former anti-apartheid leader turned president of South Africa, a Commonwealth nation.

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