The Ant-Man and The Wasp of Marvel are now coming out in American theaters, and although we had to wait another month before arriving at the Kingdom One, we got the scoop on the highly anticipated post-credit scenes.
This is the first film staged in the Marvel film universe since Avengers: Infinity War – and so there has been a lot of speculation that one or both post-credit scenes will present information next year's Avengers 4. Marvel's boss, Kevin Feige, did the same in a recent feat, claiming that Ant-Man and The Wasp will "connect" directly to the Infinity War suite.
Ant-Man 2 would run roughly at the same time as the war of infinity, but not much else. Are the post-generic scenes of the film worth waiting for? Discover below.
Mid-generic scene: Ant-Man and what looks like three piles of ashes
First, the mid-generic scene – and the only link of the film with Avengers: Infinity War. 19659004] He sees Scott (Paul Rudd), Hope (Evangeline Lilly), Hank (Michael Douglas) and newcomer Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) – Hope's mother, who is trapped in the quantum realm – doing some science relative to quantum realm. It seems that Scott is entering the kingdom to collect particles, perhaps to explain what happened to Janet during her stay there.
Throughout the scene, Hope, Janet and Hank wait in the real world. Quantum Kingdom At one point, we see Scott lose touch with them, and when he returns to the real world, they can not be seen – in their place are three stacks of ashes.
[19659004] What Does It Mean:
As you will surely know if you have come so far, to the End of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet fully equipped to disappear half of the world's population with a click of his fingers, turning many of our beloved superheroes into dust.
This scene seems to confirm that Ant-Man has avoided dusting – thank you, perhaps, for his being in the Quantum Kingdom at the time – but that his pals were not so lucky. Hope, Janet and Hank are dead – for now, anyway.
Do not cry for them, Argentina. As we speculated at the release of Infinity War, it is likely that The Great Dusting will be reversed one way or another in the upcoming Avengers movie, so they may well be back in time for Ant-Man 3 (Disney has not confirmed this yet, but why not). After all, Spider-Man, Black Panther and many Guardians of the Galaxy dusted themselves off and exploded at the apogee of Avengers 3, although they all had autonomous sequelae confirmed off.
The good news is that this suggests that Ant-Man will almost certainly play a role in Avengers 4 – and Thor, Iron-Man, The Hulk and Rocket (!) Will need all possible help.
Post-credits scene: Ant-Man and The Wasp will come back?
Not quite as revealing as the first, unfortunately. This is just a fun clip of an ant performing a drum solo – a weird, short shot in the trailer (he wears Scott's ankle bracelet, and is therefore confined to his house). The scene ends with the promise, as that is the norm in many Marvel films, that Ann-Man and The Wasp will come back – though they add a question mark to the statement to leave a little uncertainty after this last scene.
What it means: This Ant-Man and Wasp could not be back. But, in all likelihood, they will.
Ant-Man and the Wasp is currently in US theaters and will be released in UK theaters on August 3