The appellant says that historical films should not be made because we do not like what happened


July 14, 2018, 16:24

After a fundraising event was criticized for showing the movie Zulu, a visitor told Maajid Nawaz that Hollywood movies depicting historical events should not be done because they will never represent exactly what happened.

Katherine told Maajid that she felt uncomfortable looking at Zulu because "too many Africans were killed.

When Maajid pointed out that this is what happened in life, she said: It's based on history that you can go to the library, you can go for videos to illustrate how it really was. "

" Are you saying that we should not make films about historical events? "Maajid asked

But she argued that people can learn history through books or documentaries, opposed to people watching a movie" based on what Hollywood wants or what the spectators want to see. "Caine figured in the 1964 historic Zulu war film depicting the Battle of Rorke & # 39; s Drift between the British Army and the Zulus in 1879." clbad = "content-image" data- image-catalog-id = "11338" src = "" srcset = "
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     Michael Caine was featured in the 1964 historic war film Zulu depicting the Battle of Rorke & Drift between the British Army and Zulu in 1879.


"I believe that make films based on historical events from a documentary point of view."

"No film?"

Katherine replied, "No.

His comments come after the film Zulu was shown at a fundraising event in Folkestone, where critics say it could have a negative effect on relationships within diversity and in response to the controversy, chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who played his great-grandfather King Cetshwayo in the film, said that "even if the past is uncomfortable, and perhaps especially when the past is uncomfortable, it must be examined and unpacked rather than hidden. "

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