Donald Trump says that NATO is better funded "only because of me" – Donald Trump's America



July 18, 2018 06:34:15

US President Donald Trump has personally recognized the strength of NATO, an organization he has often criticized, and has cast a positive light on his recent meeting with the Allied countries.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is better funded "solely because of me," said Mr. Trump in a tweet

"I had an excellent meeting with NATO, "he said in the same tweet. "NATO was weak, but now it is strong again (bad for Russia) The media only say that I was rude to the leaders, never mention the money!"

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I had an excellent meeting with NATO. They have paid $ 33 billion more and will be paying hundreds of billions of dollars more in the future, just because of me. NATO was weak, but now it is strong again (bad for Russia). NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg credited Trump with encouraging NATO countries to spend more on defense, noting that Europeans and Canada would have to spend around 266 billions of US dollars. He said that last year's increases were the largest in a generation.

When he arrived for his meeting with Mr. Stoltenberg last week, Mr. Trump told the NATO chief that "because of me they Donald Trump is talking to Jens Stoltenberg." title = "Donald Trump and Jens Stoltenberg" width = "700" height = "467" />


Donald Trump (right) meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg before their bilateral breakfast. "Russia is not our ally"

Caught up by bipartisan criticism of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr. Trump tweeted that the summit of the two Helsinki leaders was " even better than his meeting with NATO .

Trump's press conference with Mr Putin , where he ignored Russian intelligence estimates. the 2016 election, attracted the attention of members of both political parties, who said that he put Russia above US interests.

President Tuesday (local time) backtracked on his press conference comments, saying: I see no reason why I would not do it, or why it would not be Russia instead of "why it would do it.

Earlier, House Speaker Paul Ryan pointed out that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections and was a "threatening government" that did not share American values.

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He said special adviser Robert Mueller should be allowed to complete his investigation.

But the Republican leader has not hinted that the House would respond legislatively in the near future.

"Let's be very clear so everyone knows: Russia has mingled with our elections," Ryan said.

"What we intend to do, is to get rid of them and help our allies."

The White House said Tuesday that the president would welcome the head of the European Commission to the White House at the end of the month to discuss trade and other economic issues.

Mr Trump and the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker "will address a wide range of priorities, including the foreign policy and security, counter-terrorism, energy security and economic growth "at the meeting of July 25, according to the declaration.

Reuters / AP



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