Do you think that eating healthier is expensive? Here are 5 ways to reduce costs



If you believe that eating healthy is expensive, you are not alone. But contrary to popular belief, eating healthy does not need to be accompanied by a heavy price, says Renny Letswalo, health coach and general manager of the Cambridge Weight Plan Southern Africa.

"While a frozen pizza may be less expensive than grilled salmon steaks coated with vegetables, for example, the long-term consequences and costs of eating pizzas are inevitable over the course of a year. year, "says Letswalo.

You may save money temporarily, but you may have to pay in other ways, for example because of serious illnesses like obesity and diabetes for n. to name only a few, Letswalo argues.

"It is possible to cook healthier foods at lower cost, but this requires planning and preparation."

Start Cooking

One of the keys to eating healthy on a budget, is cooking. Preparing your own meals is badociated with better quality of food and reduced food expenses. Eating outside costs more and is badociated with lower diet quality. Take the time to plan your meals and make a list before doing the grocery shopping. That way, you will only buy what you need, advises Letswalo.

Buying Seasonal Food

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are generally the tastiest, most nutritious and least expensive. Locally sourced products will also cost you less, just like vegetables and local markets. Not only will you save, but you also support the local economy

Buy Whole Ingredients

Rather than buying chicken wings or bads separately, buy rather the whole chicken of which you can make several.

Plant your own vegetables, herbs, and fruits

Planting vegetables and fruits does not have to be as difficult as it seems, says Letswalo. A small piece of land can produce all the vegetables you need to eat a nutritious meal. With advanced and creative methods, even in the absence of land and space, you can choose to grow your vegetables in urban areas, such as in a potted plant, for example. In this way, you will not only save money, but you will also get other health benefits such as stress management when you work in your garden.

Frozen is fine

t contain as much nutrients as fresh, but this is not true. You can buy fresh products or choose your own, then freeze immediately for later use, to keep your products fresh. Frozen foods are more economical because you store what you do not use and avoid waste.

… Send a processed packaging

It is best to avoid packaged or canned foods. If you do, instead choose those that contain fewer ingredients so be clearer about what you eat.

"Not only are many healthy foods more accessible than many believe, but often healthier organic alternatives may be less expensive than their transformed counterparts," says Letswalo.

"Even in cases where eating healthier is more expensive, the health costs badociated with a poorer diet of processed foods eclipse the short-term savings of a cheaper diet."

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