Ethiopia appoints ambassador to Eritrea as a tie


Ethiopia has appointed an ambbadador to Eritrea for the first time in 20 years, state-owned media reported on Thursday, the latest in a series of vertiginous peace movements between neighbors

. the old enemies who included visits between their leaders and the first commercial flights between their capitals in two decades.

"Redwan Hussein Appointed Ethiopian Ambbadador to Eritrea – First for 20 Years, Foreign Ministry Says Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki Reopens Ethiopian Embbady in Ethiopia Monday during a three-day official visit to Addis Ababa.

However, there was no report of the reopening of the Ethiopian embbady in Asmara.

Eritrea, a Ethiopian province, voted to leave in 1993 after a bloody struggle of several decades for independence.

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L & # 39 Ethiopia and Eritrea evict their respective envoys at the beginning of & # 39; a 1998-2000 border war that killed nearly 80,000 people.

Relations remained frozen after Ethiopia refused The demarcation of the border between the two countries led to years of cold war between the two countries

Last month, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced that Ethiopia would accept the demarcation and surrender land to Eritrea. However, he has not yet announced the withdrawal of troops from the region.

Abiy has pursued an aggressive reform program since taking office in April, including securing peace with Eritrea, releasing imprisoned dissidents and liberalizing parts of the economy. After stating its intention to make peace on June 5, the events unfolded at breakneck speed.

Abiy visited Asmara a month later, announcing the normalization of diplomatic and economic relations, and on July 9, the two leaders signed a joint declaration. the end of the war

On Wednesday, two crowded Ethiopian Airlines flights became the first commercial services to connect Asmara and Addis Ababa for two decades.

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