Epic commemorates the "rescue mission" conducted by a madman at Fortnite


They Really Know How to Respond to Their Fans

Last week, an entertaining event occurred in Fortnite and it had nothing to do with it. development team. The MrMuselk streamer launched a rescue mission to help save a player named Chappadoodle, who was stuck in a ravine in the new desert biome.

He creates a series of spiral stairs to save them but he can not reach it. Then he has the brilliant idea of ​​driving a golf cart up to the location of Chappadoodle to allow him to bounce off the roof of the staircase and … then make it fall of the card by accident. If you have not seen the clip yet, it only lasts a few minutes and contains no loud noises – it's worth it!

Cut to seven days later. Epic Games apparently commemorated the incident with a tombstone for Chappadoodle, which was discovered by the user Reddit StoreBrandEnigma. Epic even acknowledged their creation in the reddit post, noting: "The legacy of Chappadoodle continues to live."

There are not many developers who do this like this, especially quickly . Epic has earned a reputation for quickly repairing major database problems with small quality of life issues, and there are very few comparable studios left: in fact, only Blizzard comes to mind with their shenanigans. end World of Warcraft casual no WoW cap end

Epic added tribute [Reddit]

Act 1:

Watch as @MrMuselk attempts to save a other player.

x Good intentions) + Miscalculations = ? pic.twitter.com/Q3KbaJjxoc

– Fortnite (@FortniteGame) July 17, 2018

Act 2:

Epic added a tribute to "The greatest rescue mission at Fortnite" by r / FortNiteBR

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