The fight against terrorism is a priority in the BRICS Johannesburg Declaration


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Written by Friday, July 27, 2018

 BRICS Johannesburg Declaration "width =" 300 "height =" 225 "vspace =" 10 "hspace =" 10 "align = "left The BRICS leaders meeting in Sandton, South Africa, for the 10th Summit of the bloc want to see a holistic approach in the fight against terrorism" in all its forms "to ensure that terrorists do not have a place to hide

Presidents Michel Temer (Brazil), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Narendra Modi (India), Xi Jinping (China) and Cyril Ramaphosa (South Africa) South) signed the Johannesburg Declaration adopted on the second day of the Summit

. ] The five call for "concerted efforts to fight terrorism under the auspices of the UN on a firm international legal basis and express the belief that a comprehensive approach is needed to ensure an effective fight against terrorism ".

international community to establish "a real"

Reaffirming their commitment to the UN's counterterrorism efforts, leaders said the fight against terrorism should be conducted in accordance with the principles of the United Nations. Counter-Terrorism: According to the government SANews, BRICS leaders called for the "rapid finalization and adoption of the General Convention." To combat the threat of chemical and biological terrorism, the BRICS countries have emphasized the need for multilateral negotiations on an international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism, including the fight against international terrorism (CCIT), at the Conference on Disarmament.

They believe that the leaders of "We call all nations to take a comprehensive approach in the fight against terrorism, which should include the fight against radicalization , recruitment, travel of foreign terrorist fighters, blocking of sources and channels of financing of terrorism, including through money laundering, the supply of arms, drug trafficking and drug trafficking. Other criminal activities, the dismantling of terrorist bases and the fight against the misuse of the Internet by terrorists through the misuse of the latest information and communication technologies (ICTs), BRICS leaders reaffirmed the importance of developing, under the auspices of the United Nations, rules, norms and principles of responsible State conduct that ensure security in the United States. use of firearms. ICT.

While leaders "embraced" the undeniable advantages and new opportunities brought by ICT developments, particularly in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, they believed that these advances were creating new challenges and threats. In this regard, they underscored the importance of international cooperation against the terrorist and criminal use of ICTs and the need to develop a universal binding instrument within the international community. the UN on the fight against the criminal use of ICT.

The bloc has developed a practical roadmap for BRICS cooperation on ensuring security in the use of ICTs. Member States plan to establish a framework for cooperation to ensure security in the use of ICTs. They also envisage a BRICS intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the field of ICT

In his statement, the BRICS bloc is also committed to strengthening peace and security. "We reaffirm our commitment to the collective efforts for a peaceful settlement of disputes through political and diplomatic means and recognize the role of the UN Security Council as the principal responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security" . He identified conflicts in Israel / Palestine, Afghanistan, the Arabian Gulf, Syria and North Africa as issues of concern

"We underline the important role of United Nations peacekeeping operations in international peace and security.This concerns.We recognize the need for the BRICS countries to strengthen mutual communication and cooperation on UN peacekeeping issues and the South African initiative. for a BRICS peacekeeping task force on resolving and managing conflicts on the continent, and welcoming the strengthening of cooperation between the United Nations Security Council and the Peace Council and Security Council of the African Union We welcome the African Union 's commitment to "Silencing of the Guns by 2020" and support efforts to strengthen the African Union. architect peace and security, "said the statement.

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