
Municipality destroys funding rumors Fill Moses Mabhida! The news of Cbadper Noyovest and her former stylistic conflicts left Cbadper Nyovest in a vulnerable place.
Ever since the stylist took to Twitter his problems with Cbadper, the rapper has been dragged from every angle about payments and borrowing money. A rumor that the upcoming concert of Cbadper's Fill Up Moses Mabhida stadium would be funded by the Ethekwini municipality recently surfaced and they were quickly ransacked.
"We note with concern the fabricated information circulating on the social networks regarding the financing of # Concert of FillUpMosesMabhida organized by Casper Nyovest for 56 million rand. these news fabricated and considers them as malicious, "reads a tweet posted on the twitter account of the municipality.
?We take note with concern of the news made on social networks regarding the financing of #FillUpMosesMabhida concert organized by Casper Nyovest for 56 million rand. The city rejects these manufactured news and considers them as malicious. ^ st
– eThekwini Muni (@eThekwiniM) 31 July 2018
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