A new scandal breaks out about vaccine safety in China


BEIJING – A scandal over defective vaccines in China has angered social media, highlighting the difficulties regulators face in rebuilding trust after years of controversy over food and drug safety

L & # 39; The incident is a blow for Beijing, which has been trying to push home-made vaccines and for the Chinese drug regulator, who has struggled to clean up the world's second largest pharmaceutical industry.

Worried parents trying to check children were administered defective vaccines led to this topic becoming the second most watched weekend on the Weibo as Twitter, with widely shared details about the WeChat messaging application .

"If the state does not protect its citizens, how can we love our country?" Another user of Weibo asked, "Looking at the news, I do not dare to inject. "

The scandal erupted a week ago after the major vaccine manufacturer Changsheng Biotechnology Co Ltd violated the standards in force. The regulator ordered the shutdown of production and the recall of all its vaccines, the company said in a statement

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he told the stock market that the authorities at its base in northeastern Jilin Province have amended it for a substandard production, discovered in 2017, of a DTP vaccine to fight diseases Diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus (DPT)

might not confer immunity but would not affect human safety, said provincial authorities in November, involving another company, the Wuhan Institute Co.Ltd organic products, in non-standard DTP vaccines.

On Sunday, the siege of Changsheng remained unanswered.

In a press release on Sunday, the company said its suspension of rabies vaccine production would have a significant impact on its finances and added that some regional disease control agencies had temporarily suspended their vaccines.

The controversy comes a little over two years after police in northern Shandong reported illegally selling nearly $ 90 million worth of vaccine.

Last week, Zhejiang Huaihai Pharmaceutical USA after the European Medicines Agency found that it was tainted with a cancer-related impurity.

The Changsheng scandal will undermine confidence in domestic vaccines by reviving safety concerns about children's products. concern the health of children and are related to life, "said the Global Times in a commentary." All negative news in this area will make the whole society look. "

Changsheng shares fell the maximum limit by 10% on Friday, to settle at 14.5 yuan ($ 2.14) and have lost 40% of their value since July 13.


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