A US official says that a detention center looks like a "summer camp" for migrants


US lawmakers attacked the Trump administration on Tuesday for its controversial border policy, as an immigration enforcement official rebuffed against accusations of abuse to say that the centers Family detention are like a "summer camp."

between officials charged with enforcing a controversial policy of "zero tolerance" that led to the separation of thousands of children from migrant parents and indignant lawmakers and members of the public who accuse the president Donald Trump to create a child safety crisis. [19659003LesRépublicainsetlesDémocratesontgrillédesfonctionnairesdel'immigrationetdesfrontièresauxaudiencesduComitéjudiciaireduSénatsurunesériededécisionsaucoursdesderniersmoisquiontconduitàlaséparationdeplusde2500enfantsmigrantssanspapiersdeleursparentsoututeursdenombreuxjeunesenfantssouslagardedesÉtats-Unisontétévictimesd'abuspendantleurdétentionMatthewAlbenceunexécutantLedirecteurbadociédeImmigrationandCustomsEnforcementatémoignéquelesconditionsdanslescentresrésidentielsfamiliauxn'étaientpasaussimauvaisesquedécrites

"I think the best way to describe them is to look more like a camp & # 39; summer," Mr. Albence said. He described "24/7" access to fresh food and water, educational clbades, outdoor recreational activities, and physical exercise

. The detention of separated children, including infants, in caged pens caused a worldwide outcry and Trump ordered the end of the separations last month

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But 711 children remain in custody and Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein warned that they could never be reunited with their parents

"It's no exaggeration to say that the policies President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions The Republican Chair of the panel, Senator Chuck Grbadley, also spoke harshly, saying the government "fails miserably" to provide humane treatment.

"Mothers have suffered physical, mental and emotional abuse and even unimaginable badual abuse while in federal custody," Grbadley said.

Legislators and activists have also focused on 400 children who remain in detention because their parents have been deported.

Grbadley and others feared that the deportees did not make informed choices "

" Many of these people do not want their child to return home with their child " because their goal is "to bring their children to the United States. The hearing follows the order of a federal judge to deport many migrant children from a Texas detention center after a lawsuit accused the court. 39 establishment to place children on psychotropic drugs that acted as "chemical helmets" to control children. rather than treating real health needs.


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