Alien Twist and Ending Explained Extinguishing Film


  • – on [30 juillet 2018] [30 juillet 2018]
  • in SR Originals

Warning: MAJOR DOGS for Extinction before

– [19659006] ] In the original new science fiction film by Netflix, Extinction Michael Peña plays a man prey to visions of an alien invasion, which then finds his dreams horribly lived while he and his family are trying to survive. genocide. Directed by Ben Young, Extinction First looks like a typical invasion film modeled on Cloverfield or War of the Worlds but a mid-film twist reveals For the first twenty minutes of the film, Peña's character, Peter, is struggling to do his job and spend time with his family while he's experiencing blackouts. electricity and flashes of terrifying scenes. : lights in the sky, people who are shot in the streets, and his daughters crying next to two unidentified corpses. Peter will make an appointment at the Whole Life Wellness Center, but in the waiting room, he meets a man who blames him for the way the doctors are erasing their thoughts, because " they do not want us let us know what will happen "Undetermined, Peter leaves before his appointment begins. The same night, at a party at his apartment, the invasion begins for real

Related: Trailer of extinction: Michael Peña is the key to the survival of the Earth

After descending from the sky Looking at space ships to shoot people from the sky and blow up buildings, the aliens then have boots on the ground (so to speak) to search for and destroy the survivors. While Peter tries to secure his wife, Alice (Lizzy Caplan) and her two daughters Hanna (Amelia Crouch) and Lucy (Erica Tremblay), he steals a pistol from one of the aliens – not realizing that the Alien can use it to trace them. The family descends into the tunnels under the city, but just as they fall underground, Alice is injured in an explosion. While she loses consciousness, the alien catches up with them and Peter and Peter fight fiercely until finally the helmet of the alien is broken to reveal … a human soldier.

Yes, the big rebound of Extinction is that the "extraterrestrials" are actually humans, whereas Peter, his family and all the others on Earth are robots. Peter and Lizzy were at the origin of the maintenance robots, whose romance was triggered by a wave of anti-robot sentiments. The visions that Peter had were not premonitions – they were memories of the first attempt of humanity to eliminate the robots. This previous attempt ended with the return of the robots that chased humans from the Earth, forcing them to retreat to the settlements on Mars. After taking control of the planet, the majority of robots had their memories erased and replaced in order to free themselves from past trauma and live normal, happy lives with their families.

Meanwhile, on Mars, the human race They spent 50 years preparing for an invasion of the Earth to recover their planet, while robots like David (Mike Colter) kept their memories and secretly prepared themselves for fight against the human invasion. Miles (Israel Broussard), the human soldier captured by Peter, is shocked to discover that some of the "synths" are children, and that they are not even aware of what they actually are. He changed his heart and shows Peter how to save Alice by sharing her own source of energy with her. While Peter and Alice are unconscious, they find all their memories of the robot uprising, and realize that their daughters are actually two orphaned synthetic children whose human "parents" were killed during the fight. We do not know why there are synths for children, or why they were adopted by human parents. The film ends with the family escaping the initial badault by taking an evacuation train with traces that collapse behind it – probably towards a safer shelter set up by those robots that have kept their memories. The war is far from over, but Peter's interactions with Miles gave him hope, and the film ends by saying: " We're not that different, maybe that if the others see it, we will have a future after all . "

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Extinction is now available on Netflix.



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