American tourist plunges to death after falling off the Sydney cliff while taking a selfie


 An American tourist died when he fell off a cliff on Cape Solander in Australia taking a selfie.

An American tourist died when he fell off a cliff on Cape Solander Australia taking a selfie.


A 19-year-old American tourist visiting Australia dipped from his cliff taking a selfie, police said.

The unidentified man was part of a group that was visiting a whale-watching mecca called Cape Solander, south of Sydney on Monday, he slipped, falling about 30 feet in the sea.

A rescue helicopter, arriving about seven minutes after its fall, used green dye to help locate the currents. He was found unconscious just under the surface of the water "directly under the whale watching platform" about 30 minutes later, said a spokeswoman for Westpac Life Save Rescue Helicopter in Washington. to revive him after practicing CPR.

"He was there with a group of friends to go watch the whales.They made their way on the rocky platform at this point, it seems like a misadventure where he slipped and fell on the edge said New South Wales Police Chief Inspector Chris Hill to the Daily Telegraph. A month after the death of a man some thirty years after falling from the same place during whale watching, reported.

"These rocks are very slippery.For your safety, we recommend you stay on the whale watching platform and not go down on the rocks," Hill said at the Australian Associated Press

Cape Solander is considered one of the best whale watching sites in Sydney, while hundreds of humpback whales migrate in June and July to the warmer waters.

"If you are lucky, you will not even have to look far – we know that whales swim as close as 200 feet from the coast" the NSW National Parks website says of the area.

Lucia I. Suarez Sang is a reporter for Follow her on Twitter @luciasuarezsang

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