Anadolu Agency films FETO-related businessmen in the United States


By Ertugrul Cingil


Anadolu Agency captured on film the luxurious life of two Turkish businessmen in California, who are wanted by Turkey on their links with Fetullah Terror Organization ( FETO), the group behind the murderous defeat of July 2016.

Osman Nakiboglu and his son Bahaeddin are members of the Nakiboglu family in the southeastern province of Gaziantep; they previously owned the Naksan Holding which includes more than 50 companies operating in various sectors such as industry, energy, construction and transportation. Later, a Gaziantep court appointed a board of directors to Naksan Holding after the coup attempt.

The Nakiboglu family is known for its support of the terrorist group FETO and has been accused of transferring large sums of money to the group. through his holding Naksan.

The father-son pair, who held various leadership positions in Naksan-related companies, fled to the United States in 2014.

The pair is currently leading a luxury lifestyle in $ 2.5 million worth of "The Islands" townhouse overlooking the water in Foster City in San Mateo County, California.

The father reportedly fled with $ 22 million obtained through the sale of badets to Gaziantep and then started a business in Silicon Valley. Named "Innoworld", the company is involved in providing rental premises for entrepreneurs.

The duo is supposed to provide advice and logistical support to FETO members who have fled Turkey after the defeated state coup.

In addition, Osman and Bahaeddin are among 25 suspects charged with "managing an armed terrorist organization, financing terrorism, laundering income from crimes and tax laws opposed" by the parquet of Gaziantep.

FETO and its American leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the coup d'etat of July 15, 2016, which left 251 martyrs and nearly 2,200 wounded.

Ankara also accuses FETO of being behind a longstanding campaign to overthrow state by infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the army, the police and the justice system.

FETO would be present in more than 150 countries around the world, through schools, NGOs, lobbyists, media and other businesses. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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